The Rubber Auxiliary Agents market is a segment of the chemical industry that produces and supplies chemicals used in the production of rubber products. These agents are used to improve the properties of rubber, such as its strength, flexibility, and durability. They are also used to reduce the cost of production and improve the quality of the final product. Common rubber auxiliary agents include accelerators, activators, antidegradants, antioxidants, plasticizers, and vulcanizing agents. Accelerators are used to speed up the curing process of rubber, while activators are used to increase the effectiveness of accelerators. Antidegradants are used to protect rubber from the effects of oxidation and UV radiation, while antioxidants are used to prevent the rubber from becoming brittle. Plasticizers are used to reduce the hardness of rubber, while vulcanizing agents are used to increase the strength and elasticity of rubber. Some of the major companies in the Rubber Auxiliary Agents market include Lanxess, Eastman Chemical Company, AkzoNobel, Solvay, and BASF. Show Less Read more
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