This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.Pipe Dream: Consolidation is Anticipated to Continue as Major Players Capture a Growing Share of the Market
The Concrete Pipe and Block Manufacturing industry in Canada is forecasted to experience growth over the five years to 2023. However, it's anticipated that demand for concrete pipes and blocks will decline in 2022 and 2023 due to higher interest rates, forcing a sharp decrease in residential construction. However, the downturn in demand from residential construction ventures is projected to be compensated by an uptick in government spending on concrete-intensive projects like bridge construction and highway improvement. Despite experiencing a 4.3% dip in 2023, industry revenue is projected to increase at a CAGR of 1.8% to $1.7 billion in the five years to 2023. Operators in this industry manufacture concrete pipes, bricks and blocks. Concrete pipes include storm sewer pipes, sanitary sewer pipes, reinforced pressure pipes, prestressed cylinder pressure pipes and culvert pipes. Concrete brick and block production comprise structural blocks, decorative block and pavers, bricks and miscellaneous concrete products. Products made by industry operators are used heavily in infrastructure and residential construction.
Table of Contents
ABOUT THIS INDUSTRY- Industry Definition
- Main Activities
- Similar Industries
- Additional Resources
- Executive Summary
- Key External Drivers
- Current Performance
- Industry Outlook
- Industry Life Cycle
- Supply Chain
- Products & Services
- Demand Determinants
- Major Markets
- International Trade
- Business Locations
- Market Share Concentration
- Key Success Factors
- Cost Structure Benchmarks
- Basis of Competition
- Barriers to Entry
- Industry Globalization
- Capital Intensity
- Technology & Systems
- Revenue Volatility
- Regulation & Policy
- Industry Assistance
- Industry Data
- Annual Change
- Key Ratios
Companies Mentioned (Partial List)
A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:
- HeidelbergCement AG