The ageing population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases will be two of the greatest challenges in Europe during this century. It is widely believed that connected care solutions can ease the burden on society by enabling more efficient delivery of care and allowing people to live independently in their homes for longer. The definition of connected care comprises telecare and telehealth solutions that are used for the remote delivery of healthcare and social care services. Today, the most common connected care solution is the traditional telecare alarm, which includes a wearable alarm button that the user presses in the case of an emergency. Mobile telecare systems have a portable form factor and typically incorporate cellular connectivity and GPS technology. Telehealth solutions involve connected medical devices and monitoring services that are used for the remote monitoring and management of patients with COPD, chronic heart failure, diabetes, hypertension, asthma, coronary heart disease or chronic kidney disease.
Connected care revenues in Europe will reach € 17.7 billion by 2028
Telecare is the largest and most mature segment of the connected care market with a total of 9.0 million users at the end of 2023. The market for telehealth solutions is entering a growth phase with an estimated total of 5.5 million users in the EU 27+3 countries at the end of 2023. The total number of people using connected care solutions amounted to 13.1 million at the end of 2023, as there is an overlap between the two solution categories. The market is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 12.0 percent during the next five years to reach 23.0 million connected care users by 2028. The publisher expects that telecare will be the largest segment of the connected care market throughout the forecast period reaching 13.1 million users in 2028. Telehealth will follow with 12.5 million users at the end of the forecast period. Connected care revenues in the EU 27+3 countries reached an estimated € 9.4 billion in 2023. This includes revenues from telecare solutions and telehealth solutions.
The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.4 percent between 2023 and 2028 to reach € 17.7 billion at the end of the forecast period. Telehealth solutions accounted for the largest share of the market in 2023 and will remain in lead during the forecast period. The market for telehealth solutions involves a wide range of actors, from specialised equipment vendors to integrated mHealth solution providers. The telecare equipment market in Europe is highly consolidated.
The three major players - Tunstall, Legrand and TeleAlarm - hold leading positions in nearly all markets and together account for about 60 percent of the telecare unit sales in the region. Additional vendors include Careium, Chiptech and Chubb. Chiptech has its operations in the UK market, meanwhile Careium is a leading market player in the Nordic region and has also presence in the UK. Companies such as Telecom Design, Essence Group, 9Solutions, Oysta Technology (Access Group) and Everon are key telecare equipment vendors. Enovation, Skyresponse and Azur Soft are the leading providers of telecare monitoring software solutions.
Additional significant vendors active in Europe are Tellu, Yorbl, Urmet, Navigil, SmartLife Care, Libify, SmartWatcher, Just Checking and Vivago. The telehealth market evolves quickly and many new start-ups as well as well-established solution providers from adjacent industries are active on the market. Examples include Huma, Luscii (Omron Healthcare), Dignio, Comarch, eDevice and SHL Telemedicine. The ongoing digitalisation of telephone networks in Europe requires massive replacements of PSTN-based telecare systems. At the same time, there is rising interest in new types of solutions that enable social care and healthcare services to be delivered more efficiently. The publisher expects that these trends will catalyse the transition to the next generation of connected care solutions.
Future caregiving is also anticipated to be predictive in nature by continuously analysing user data and acting on abnormalities. Care providers will work with solutions that rely on data not only from telecare devices, but also from other sources such as smart home sensors and healthcare records. Artificial intelligence (AI) is also rapidly becoming a cornerstone of modern healthcare practices, driving improvements in clinical efficiency, patient engagement and care coordination. The transition to digital technologies is good news for mobile network operators, as many connected care systems rely on cellular connectivity. The number of cellular connections is expected to grow from around 7.8 million in 2023 to more than 14.8 million in 2028.
This report will allow you to
- Profit from 30 executive interviews with market leading companies.
- Identify key players in the connected care ecosystem.
- Learn about the latest developments in connected care devices and services.
- Understand the dynamics of the European healthcare and social care systems.
- Evaluate how the adoption of next-generation solutions is proceeding.
- Benefit from expert market analysis including detailed market forecasts lasting until 2028.
The report answers the following questions
- Which are the main verticals within connected care?
- What are the main drivers on this market in Europe?
- How many people are using telecare systems in each European country?
- Which are the leading telecare equipment providers in Europe?
- How will the connected care market evolve in the next five years?
- What are the general technology trends for connected care products?
- How will the markets for telehealth, telecare and smart home solutions converge?
- What is the potential market size for cellular IoT connectivity?
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Companies Mentioned (Partial List)
A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:
- 9Solutions
- Access Group (Oysta Technology)
- Althea
- Appello
- Azur Soft
- Beghelli
- Buddi (Big Technologies)
- Careium
- Chiptech
- Chubb Community Care
- Enovation (Legrand Care)
- Essence Group
- Eurocross Assistance
- Everon
- Genus Care
- James TeleCare (iLogs Healthcare)
- Just Checking
- Legrand Care
- Libify
- Limmex
- MetAlert (GTX Corp)
- MiniFinder
- Navigil
- Nobi
- Posifon
- Sensio Group
- Skyresponse
- SmartLife Care
- Smartwatcher
- TeleAlarm Group
- Table of contents
- Telecom Design
- Telegrafik
- Tellu
- Tunstall Healthcare Group
- Urmet ATE
- Vitakt Hausnotruf
- Vivago
- VIVAI Software
- Yorbl
- Zembro
- Telehealth Solutions
- .1 Market overview
- Form factors and use cases
- Value chain
- Competitive landscape
- The European telehealth landscape by country
- .2 Solution providers
- Ab Medica
- Alira Health (Bepatient)
- Alphabet
- Apple
- Aptar Digital Health
- BT Group
- Comarch Healthcare
- Dignio
- Doccla (Open TeleHealth)
- eDevice
- Hope Care
- Huma Therapeutics
- Luscii (Omron Healthcare)
- Medixine
- MedM
- S3 Connected Health
- SHL Telemedicine
- Telefónica
- Vitagroup