The second edition of this innovative work again provides a unique perspective on the clinical discovery process by providing input from experts within the NIH on the principles and practice of clinical research. Molecular medicine, genomics, and proteomics have opened vast opportunities for translation of basic science observations to the bedside through clinical research. As an introductory reference it gives clinical investigators in all fields an awareness of the tools required to ensure research protocols are well designed and comply with the rigorous regulatory requirements necessary to maximize the safety of research subjects. Complete with sections on the history of clinical research and ethics, copious figures and charts, and sample documents it serves as an excellent companion text for any course on clinical research and as a must-have reference for seasoned researchers.
Table of Contents
.A Historical Perspective on Clinical ResearchETHICAL, REGULATORY, AND LEGAL ISSUES
.Ethical Principles in Clinical Research
.Researching a Bioethical Question
.Integrity in Research: Individual and Institutional Responsibility
.Institutional Review Boards
.Data and Safety Monitoring Boards
.Data Management in Clinical Trials
.Unanticipated Risks in Clinical Research
.The Regulation of Drugs and Biological Products by the Food and Drug Administration
.Legal Issues
.Rules to Prevent Conflict of Interest for Clinical Investigators Conducting Human Subjects Research
.National Institutes of Health Policy on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research
.Clinical Research: A Patient Perspective
.The Clinical Researcher and the Media
.An Introduction to Biostatistics: Randomization, Hypothesis Testing, and Sample Size Estimation
.Design and Conduct of Observational Studies and Clinical Trials
.Small Clinical Trials
.Large Clinical Trials and Registries Clinical Research Institutes
.Using Secondary Data in Statistical Analysis
.An Introduction to Survival Analysis
.Measures of Function and Health-Related Quality of Life
.Overview of Technology Development
.Technology Transfer
.Writing a Protocol
.Evaluating a Protocol Budget
.Data Management in Clinical Research: General Principles and a Guide to Sources
.Getting the Funding You Need to Support Your Research: Navigating the National Institutes of Health Peer Review Process
.Clinical Research from the Industry Perspective
.Human Genome Project, Genomics, and Clinical Research