The Human Auditory System: Fundamental Organization and Clinical Disorders provides a comprehensive and focused reference on the neuroscience of hearing and the associated neurological diagnosis and treatment of auditory disorders. This reference looks at this dynamic area of basic research, a multidisciplinary endeavor with contributions from neuroscience, clinical neurology, cognitive neuroscience, cognitive science communications disorders, and psychology, and its dramatic clinical application.
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Table of Contents
Section 1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Human Auditory System 1. Auditory pathways: anatomy and physiology 2. Anatomical organization of the auditory cortex 3. Development of the auditory system 4. Representation of loudness in the auditory cortex 5. Temporal coding in the auditory cortex 6. Sound localization 7. Learning and plasticity in auditory cortex 8. Neural basis of speech perception 9. Role of the auditory system in speech production 10. White matter pathways for auditory and speech processing 11. Neural basis of music perception 12. Music and language: relations and disconnections
Section 2. Methodology and Techniques 13. Invasive recordings in the human auditory cortex 14. Electromagnetic recording of the auditory system 15. Hemodynamic imaging of the auditory cortex 16. Imaging white matter pathways 17. Electrophysiological auditory tests 18. Psychophysical and behavioral peripheral and central auditory tests
Section 3. Disorders of the Auditory System 19. Neurocognitive development in congenitally deaf children 20. Aging of the auditory system 21. Decreased sound tolerance: hyperacusis, misophonia, diplacousis and polyacousis 22. Auditory Synesthesias 23. Tinnitus 24. Auditory hallucinations 25. Palinacousis 26. Musicogenic Epilepsy 27. Deafness in cochlear and auditory nerve disorders 28. Auditory Neuropathy 29. Hearing disorders in Brain stem lesions 30. Central Auditory Processing Disorders in children and adults 31. Auditory neglect and related disorders 32. Auditory Agnosia 33. Congenital Amusias 34. Acquired Amusia 35. Hearing disorders in Stroke 36. Hearing disorders in Multiple Sclerosis 37. Hearing and Music in Dementia 38. Future Advances
Gastone G. Celesia Department of Neurology, Stritch School of Medicine, Loyola University, Chicago, IL, USA.Dr. Celesia received his medical degree magna cum laude from the University of Genoa Medical School in Italy and his master of science degree from McGill University Faculty of Medicine in Montreal, Canada. He completed a Neurology residency at the Montreal Neurological Institute and a post-doctoral fellowship in Neurophysiology at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
Dr. Celesia is board certified in Neurology. He is a member of several medical societies including the American Academy of Neurology, the American Neurological Association, and the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society. He was President of the American Academy of Clinical Neurophysiology in 1993 to 1995. He was Editor-in-Chief of Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, an international medical journal from 1987 to 1999.
Dr. Celesia has published more than 190 articles on neurological disorders and has been an invited speaker at various meetings both nationally and internationally. He has been a Professor of Neurology at the University of Wisconsin Madison from 1974 to 1982. At Loyola University of Chicago, Dr. Celesia was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Neurology and Director of the Laboratories of Clinical Neurophysiology from 1983 to 1999. In 2006 he was the recipient of the Herbert Jasper Award by the American Clinical Neurophysiology Society.
He is internationally known for his research in auditory and visual disorders. In 1969 in collaboration with F. Puletti he mapped the auditory cortex of humans undergoing surgery for the treatment of intractable epilepsy.
In 2005 he edited a book on "Disorders of Visual Processing and in 2013 a book on Disorders of Peripheral and Central Auditory Processing both published by Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Dr. Celesia has helped train many neurologists and clinical neurophysiologists. Four of his former fellows are now chairing department of neurology or neurophysiology.
As a member of American Neurological Association he has chaired the Ethic Committee in 1994. Together with Dr. F. Plum he represented the ANA in the Multi-Society task Force on Persistent Vegetative State.
As a liaison from the IFCN (International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology) to the Latino American Chapter of IFCN he has fostered clinical neurophysiology education in South America.
In July, 2004 he retired as a professor of Neurology at Loyola and is now an adviser to the department of clinical neurophysiology at Kyushu University in Fukuoka Japan, an ex-officio member of the board of The Chicago Council for Science and Technology. He is member of the research committee of the Instituto Chiossone for the Blind in Genova Italy and of the European Task Force on the Vegetative State.
He volunteers at the Field Museum of Chicago Department of Zoology were he has contributed to the research of lions in Africa and recently published the effects of changing global climate on the distribution of the African lion.
Greg Hickok Director, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA. Professor in the Department of Cognitive Sciences and Director for the Center of Cognitive Neuroscience at UC Irvine, Dr. Hickok's research focuses on the neuroanatomy of language and cognitive neuroscience. He serves as Associate Editor for Human Brain Mapping and for Cognitive Neuropsychology and is past-Chair for the Society or the Neurobiology of Language. He has authored 88 journal publications (h-index 26), 18 book chapters, and is editing a volume entitled The Functional anatomy of Language for MIT Press.