Smart polymers are polymers that respond to different stimuli or changes in the environment. Smart Polymers and their Applications reviews the types, synthesis, properties, and applications of smart polymers.
Chapters in part one focus on types of polymers, including temperature-, pH-, photo-, and enzyme-responsive polymers. Shape memory polymers, smart polymer hydrogels, and self-healing polymer systems are also explored. Part two highlights applications of smart polymers, including smart instructive polymer substrates for tissue engineering; smart polymer nanocarriers for drug delivery; the use of smart polymers in medical devices for minimally invasive surgery, diagnosis, and other applications; and smart polymers for bioseparation and other biotechnology applications. Further chapters discuss the use of smart polymers for textile and packaging applications, and for optical data storage.
Smart Polymers and their Applications is a technical resource for chemists, chemical engineers, mechanical engineers, and other professionals in the polymer industry; manufacturers in such sectors as medical, automotive, and aerospace engineering; and academic researchers in polymer science.
- Reviews the different types of smart polymer, discussing their properties, structure, design, and characterization
- Reviews applications of smart polymers in such areas as biomedical engineering, textiles, and food packaging
Table of Contents
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1. Introduction to smart polymers and their applications
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of smart polymer
1.3 Applications of smart polymers
1.4 Conclusion
1.5 Acknowledgments
1.6 References
Part I: Types of smart polymer
2. Temperature-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis and applications
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic principles of temperature-responsive polymers in aqueous solution
2.3 Key types of temperature-responsive polymers in aqueous solution
2.4 Selected applications of thermoresponsive polymers
2.5 Conclusion
2.6 Future trends
2.7 References
3. pH-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis and applications
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Key types and properties of pH-responsive polymers
3.3 Synthesis of pH-responsive polymers
3.4 Different methodologies for the preparation of pH-responsive polymers
3.5 Different architectures of pH-responsive polymers
3.6 Applications
3.7 Conclusion
3.8 Future trends
3.9 References
3.10 Appendix: abbreviations
4. Photo-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis and applications
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Chromophores and their light-induced molecular response
4.3 Key types and properties of photo-responsive polymers
4.4 Applications
4.5 Conclusions and future trends
4.6 References
5. Magnetically responsive polymer gels and elastomers: properties, synthesis and applications
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Preparation of magnetically responsive polymer gels and elastomeric materials
5.3 Magnetic properties of filler-loaded polymers
5.4 Elastic behaviour of magnetic gels and elastomers
5.5 Kinetics of shape change
5.6 The swelling equilibrium under a uniform magnetic field
5.7 Polymer gels in a non-uniform electric or magnetic field
5.8 Future trends
5.9 Acknowledgements
5.10 References
6. Enzyme-responsive polymers: properties, synthesis and applications
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Enzyme-responsive materials: rationale, definition and history
6.3 Key types and properties of enzyme-responsive polymers
6.4 Preparation of enzyme-responsive polymers
6.5 Characterisation of enzyme-responsive polymers
6.6 Applications
6.7 Conclusion
6.8 Future trends
6.9 References
7. Shape memory polymers: properties, synthesis and applications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Characterizing shape memory effects in polymeric materials
7.3 Classifying shape memory polymers: classification by polymer structure
7.4 Classifying shape memory polymers: classification by type of stimulus
7.5 Main applications of smart polymers
7.6 Conclusion
7.7 References
8. Smart polymer hydrogels: properties, synthesis and applications
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Key types and properties of smart polymer hydrogels
8.3 Applications of smart polymer hydrogels
8.4 Conclusions and future trends
8.5 References
9. Self-healing polymer systems: properties, synthesis and applications
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Types of self-healing
9.3 Self-healing and recovery of functionality in materials
9.4 Conclusion
9.5 Acknowledgements
9.6 References
Part II: Applications of smart polymers
10. Smart instructive polymer substrates for tissue engineering
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Instructive polymeric surfaces
10.3 Instructive hydrogels with a physicochemical response
10.4 Materials with 3D defined patterns
10.5 Applications in tissue engineering
10.6 Conclusion and future trends
10.7 References
11. Smart polymer nanocarriers for drug delivery
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Smart polymeric carriers for drug delivery: pH-responsive nanocarriers
11.3 Smart polymeric carriers for drug delivery: enzyme-responsive nanocarriers
11.4 Smart polymeric carriers for drug delivery: oxidation-responsive nanocarriers
11.5 Smart polymeric carriers for drug delivery: temperature-responsive nanocarriers
11.6 Smart polymeric carriers for drug delivery: nanocarriers responsive to other stimuli
11.7 Conclusion and future trends
11.8 References
12. The use of smart polymers in medical devices for minimally invasive surgery, diagnosis and other applications
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Types and preparation of smart polymers for medical devices: polymers classified by type of stimulus
12.3 Types and preparation of smart polymers for medical devices: polymers classified by structural properties
12.4 Applications: medical devices based on shape memory polymers (SMPs)
12.5 Applications: SMPs in minimally invasive surgery
12.6 Applications: medical devices for cancer diagnosis and therapy
12.7 Applications: biosensors for diagnostic medical devices
12.8 Applications: biosensors and actuators for enhanced diagnostics and therapy
12.9 Applications: microfluidics-based biomedical devices
12.10 Conclusion and future trends
12.11 References
13. Smart polymers for bioseparation and other biotechnological applications
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Smart polymers (SPs) for bioseparation: use in affinity precipitation
13.3 Aqueous two-phase polymer systems formed by SPs for use in bioseparation
13.4 Chromatographic carriers with grafted SPs and adsorbents produced from SPs
13.5 Membranes with SP-grafted pores
13.6 Use of smart polymers in catalysis
13.7 Conclusion and future trends
13.8 References
14. Smart polymers for textile applications
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Types of smart polymers for textile applications
14.3 Actuating mechanisms for smart polymers
14.4 The use of smart polymer effects in textiles
14.5 Using smart polymers in practice: medical textiles
14.5 2 Wound dressing products
14.6 Conclusion
14.7 References
15. Biopolymers for food packaging applications
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Coatings and active coatings in foods
15.3 Micro- and nanoencapsulation in foods
15.4 Packaging
15.5 Conclusion and future trends
15.6 References
16. Smart polymers for optical data storage
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Photoinduced molecular motions of azobenzene chromophores
16.3 Macromolecular architectures in azopolymers
16.4 Synthetic strategies to azopolymers for optical data storage
16.5 Photoinduced response of azobenzene polymers
16.6 Alternative macromolecular architectures for the design of azopolymers
16.7 Conclusion
16.8 References