The CCL Handbook of Coaching in Organizations deals with the practical, ethical, and political challenges of coaching within an organization. From coaching superiors to coaching business teams, this book outlines the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) approach to professional coaching to help readers better manage leadership development and talent management program outcomes. With expert guidance on the key functions of human resources, learning and development, and organizational development, readers will gain insight into the issues associated with coaching program implementation and management, and the use of internal versus external coaches. Coverage includes a wide range of coaching-based services used in most large organizations, with practical advice on creating the right programs for maximum impact within the available budget.
Professional development is a hot topic and plays a key role in attracting and retaining the best talent. Coaching is a broad area within the field, encompassing a range of services and goals, with varied expectations and requirements. This book provides actionable guidance for those designing, initiating, and implementing coaching programs, with new approaches and techniques that drive better outcomes.
- Provide direct coaching within an organization
- Manage coaching systems and programs
- Initiate and lead mentoring and peer-coaching programs
- Manage external coaches, and deal effectively with coaching suppliers
An ideal coaching program must balance need with budget and be tailored to the requirements and resources of both the organization and the participants. It's a complex undertaking, but the right strategy and planning can lead to even better than expected outcomes. For the human resources professional who wants to strengthen an organization's coaching program, CCL Handbook of Coaching in Organizations is a thoughtful reference for a specialized function.
Table of Contents
Foreword by Rebecca L. Ray ix
The Authors xi
Introduction xvii
PART ONE Toward a Coaching Culture: Creating and Managing Coaching Programs 1
ONE The Rise of Coaching in Organizations 5
Amy Lui Abel, Sherlin V. Nair
TWO Assessing Your Organization’s Need for Coaching 29
Emily Hoole
THREE Creating an Integrated Coaching System 49
Douglas D. Riddle
FOUR Evaluating Coaching Interventions 81
Jennifer Habig, Emily Hoole
FIVE Managing Coaches 113
Johan Naudé, Patrick Stichelmans
PART TWO Coaching Guidance for HR Leaders 145
SIX Coaching the Derailing Leader 149
Erica Desrosiers, J. Ross Blankenship
SEVEN Developing High-Potential Leaders 173
Kevin O’Gorman
EIGHT Coaching at the Top 191
Candice C. Frankovelgia
NINE Coaching Your Business Partner 217
Florence Plessier, Monica Bortoluzzi
TEN Cross-Cultural Coaching 241
Lize A. E. Booysen
ELEVEN Coaching in Context: The Individual in Relation to Organizational Culture 289
Elizabeth C. D. Gullette
TWELVE Ethical Considerations for the Human Resource Coach 311
Maggie Sass, Barbara Fly-Dierks
PART THREE Special Applications of Coaching 335
THIRTEEN Coaching for All: Creative Leadership Conversations with Peers 339
Philomena Rego, TZiPi Radonsky, Lyndon Rego, Patrick Williams
FOURTEEN Mentoring for Leadership Development 347
William A. Gentry
FIFTEEN Executive Coaching for Onboarding 383
Robert Elsey, Douglas D. Riddle
SIXTEEN Team Coaching 399
Elizabeth C. D. Gullette
SEVENTEEN Senior Team Coaching 437
Douglas D. Riddle
EIGHTEEN Transforming Organizations: Coaching and Guiding Senior Teams 457
John B. McGuire, Candice C. Frankovelgia
NINETEEN Coaching beyond the Organization 495
Joel F.Wright
References 523
Name Index 561
Subject Index 569