The Dredging Services industry's performance peaked in 2013-14, due to strong mining activity and high export growth driving demand for dredging services. Due to these trends, port expansions were undertaken to accommodate larger shipping fleets, driving demand for dredging services. However, revenue has since greatly declined from this peak due to significant falls in capital expenditure across the mining sector, and remained relatively low over the five years through 2022-23. However, dredging works in the two years through 2022-23 related to the Port of Townsville upgrade are expected to benefit dredging companies. Industry companies provide sea, ocean and river dredging services, which include deepening and widening existing port operations and moving deepwater sediment to keep waterways open for commerce. This report covers the scope, size, disposition and growth of the industry including the key sensitivities and success factors. Also included are five year industry forecasts, growth rates and an analysis of the industry key players and their market shares.Scooping up the dregs: The completion of several major projects is drying up revenue growth
Table of Contents
ABOUT THIS INDUSTRY- Industry Definition
- Main Activities
- Similar Industries
- Additional Resources
- Executive Summary
- Key External Drivers
- Current Performance
- Industry Outlook
- Industry Life Cycle
- Supply Chain
- Products & Services
- Demand Determinants
- Major Markets
- International Trade
- Business Locations
- Market Share Concentration
- Key Success Factors
- Cost Structure Benchmarks
- Basis of Competition
- Barriers to Entry
- Industry Globalization
- Capital Intensity
- Technology & Systems
- Revenue Volatility
- Regulation & Policy
- Industry Assistance
- Industry Data
- Annual Change
- Key Ratios