HR Management in the Forensic Science Laboratory: A 21st Century Approach to Effective Crime Lab Leadership introduces the profession of forensic science to human resource management, and vice versa. The book includes principles of HR management that apply most readily, and most critically, to the practice of forensic science, such as laboratory operations, staffing and assignments, laboratory relations and high impact leadership. A companion website hosts workshop PowerPoint slides, a forensic HR newsletter and other important HR strategies to assist the reader.
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Table of Contents
PART I. INTRODUCTION 1. Forensic Science and the Promise of HR 2. The Story of Forensic Science 3. Crime Scenes and Evidence Categories
PART II. LABORATORY OPERATIONS 4. Evidence Triage and Intake 5. Case Management and Customer Service 6. Special Case Circumstances and Considerations 7. Occupational Outlook 8. Professional Standards and Governance 9. Reporting of Conclusions and the Art of Consulting
PART III. JOB ANALYSIS AND STAFFING 10. Core Competencies and Education 11. Job Descriptions and Requirements 12. Recruitment, Evaluation, and Selection 13. Employee Onboarding and Training 14. Organizational Structuring and Work Units 15. Overtime, Flexibility, and Alternative Staffing
PART IV. ACCOMMODATIONS AND ENVIRONMENT 16. Health and Safety 17. Physical and Sensory Challenges 18. Mental and Emotional Health
PART V. LABOR RELATIONS 19. Job Compensation and Classification 20. Unions and Collective Bargaining 21. Performance Review and Appraisal 22. Progressive Discipline 23. Malpractice and Misconduct 24. Outside Employment (Moonlighting)
PART VI. HIGH-STAKES LEADERSHIP 25. Ethics, Integrity, and Independence 26. Accreditation 27. Developing Future Leaders 28. Strategic Positioning