Project Finance in Theory and Practice: Designing, Structuring, and Financing Private and Public Projects, Third Edition presents a set of topics that can be applied to any project financing task. It includes essential, core material for project finance, offering new insights about Sharia-compliant instruments and a comprehensive overview of the current state of the international regulation of banking post financial crisis. This updated edition includes new case studies and topics related to country risk, along with insights from project finance experts who share their specialized knowledge on legal issues and the role of advisors in project finance details.
The book is useful for readers at all levels of education and experience who want to learn how to succeed in project finance.
Table of Contents
1. An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Project Finance 2. The Market for Project Finance: Applications and the Sectors 3. Project Characteristics, Risk Analysis, and Risk Allocation 4. The Role of Advisors in a Project Finance Deal 5. Valuing the Project and Project Cash Flow Analysis 6. Financing the Deal 7. Legal Aspects of Project Finance 8. Credit Risk in Project Finance Transactions
Case Studies 1. Cogeneration 1 2. Italy Water System 3. Odebrecht Norbe Drilling VIII/IX 4. Watercraft Capital 5. Viveracqua Hydrobond 6. Quezon Power Ltd. Co.
Appendix: The Structure and Functioning of the Simulation Model Introduction