Like any large interactive non–living system exhibiting global features, complex life phenomena cannot be fully understood by analyzing parts separately. We need a paradigm shift to live in our complex emergent world. This long–standing problem has attracted many physicists especially since Erwin Schrodinger published the famous book What is Life? in 1944. The broad goal of this book, is not a reduction of biology to physics, but a profound understanding of complex systems and of their physical basis. Generally, physicists do not know biological terminology, and biologists are not familiar with physical laws, the terminology being completely different. In this book, the author aims to present an integrated view of complex systems for a variety of readers in complex system science (physics, biology, mathematics, chemistry, material sciences, engineering, etc.).
Table of Contents
Forword1. Introduction –
From physics to biology and metabiology
2. The breakdowns of traditional concepts in life science –
Beyond gene centric view
3. The beginning of life out of the missing boundaries of life and death
4. Paradigm shift in 19th century
5. Foundation of natural selectionist views
6. Paradigm shifts in 20th century
7. The breakdowns of gene–centric view and selectionnist perspective
8. Alzheimer′s Disease and prion disease as subcellular ′cancer?
9. Aging as intrain dividual evolution
10. Polymorphism
11. Origins of life
12. Life science in 21st century
13. Evolution of mind and its aging
14. Motility and sensation
15. Beyond neuron–centric view
16. Liquid biochemistry v.s. living crystals
17. Amplification and universal control mechanism
18. Bioelectromagnetism and regulation
19. Self–organized criticality
20. Consciousness and unconsciousness
21. Environment
22. Conclusions