Recent developments in information science and technology have been possible due to original and timely research contributions containing new results in various fields of applied mathematics. It is also true that advances in information science create opportunities for developing mathematical models further.
Mathematics Applied in Information Systems presents a series of reviews of mathematical methods applied to information systems. Readers will find, in this volume, chapters that cover mathematics applied in various vistas of information systems:
- software reliability modeling and optimizations
- software release control
- natural language processing and social network analysis
- food safety systems
- soil scattering models
- digital imaging processing
- supply chain management systems
This volume is essential reading for software engineering students and IT managers working in academia and industry (geosciences, supply chain management, software development, forensics, transportation etc.).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Software Reliability Modeling in Continuous-State Space
Chapter 2 Development of Software Reliability Growth Models with Time Lag and Change-Point and a New Perspective for Release Time Problem
Chapter 3 Stochastic Differential Equation Based Formulation for Multiple Software Release Considering Fault Detection and Correction Process
Chapter 4 Mathematical Models for Digital Imaging and Their Applications in Digital Image Forensics
Chapter 5 Ranking the It Based Technologies to Enhance the Safety and Security of Food Using AHP Approach
Chapter 6 Mathematics and Examples of the Modern Syllogistic Method of Propositional Logic
Chapter 7 Modeling of Scattering Response for Retrieval of Soil Parameters with Bistatic Radar
Chapter 8 Multi-Objective Non-Linear Programming Problem for Eliability Optimization in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Environment
Chapter 9 Modeling Quality in the Design of Supply Chains
Chapter 10 Identification of Zonal-Wise Passenger’S Issues in Indian Railways Using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA): a Sentiment Analysis Approach on Tweets
Subject Index