Measuring Transport Equity provides a range of methods with the potential to shape transport decision-making processes, thus allowing for the adoption of more equitable transport solutions. Presenting numerous applied methods and applications of transport equity assessment, this book formalizes the disciplinary practice, definitions, and methodologies for transport equity. In addition, it recognizes the different types of equity and acknowledges that each requires its own assessment methodologies. Bringing together the most up-to-date perspectives and practical approaches for assessing equity in relation to accessibility, environmental impacts, health, and wellbeing, the book sets standards for researchers, policymakers, and practitioners for conducting social impact analyses and is an ideal reference for those involved in transport planning.
- Written by a collection of top researchers and upcoming scholars in the transport field.
- Shows how to apply transport equity measurement ideas in the real world through case study examples.
- Covers emerging transport topics, including the use of advanced measures of inequality.
- Includes learning aids, such as methodology, application, policy relevance, and further reading.
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Table of Contents
Part One: Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Measuring transport equity: Key components, framings and metrics
Part Two: Benefits of transport: Accessibility 3. An index to measure accessibility poverty risk 4. Using person-based accessibility measures to assess the equity of transport systems 5. Equity analysis of dynamic bike-and-ride accessibility in the Netherlands 6. Can the urban poor reach their jobs? Evaluating equity effects of relocation and public transport projects in Ahmedabad, India 7. Transport equity in low-income societies: Affordability impact on destination accessibility measures
Part Three: Burdens of transport: Health, environment and other externalities 8. The health impacts of urban transport: Linkages, tools and research needs 9. Assessing health inequalities related to urban and transport determinants of mental health 10. A public health approach to assessing road safety equity the RoSE cycle 11. Distribution of transportation "goods" and "bads" in a Canadian metropolis: a diagnosis of the situation and potential interventions to tackle environmental disparities 12. Safety and daily mobilities of urban women: - Methodologies to confront the policy of "invisibility"
Part Four: Social outcomes from transport interventions 13. Applying a subjective wellbeing lens to transport equity 14. Social impact assessment: The case of bus rapid transit in the city of Quito, Ecuador 15. Measuring the influence of social capital and personal networks on transport disadvantage 16. Using a capability approach-based survey for reducing equity gaps in transport appraisal. Application in Santiago de Chile 17. A behavioral framework for needs-based transport assessment 18. Assessing the equity impacts of a transportation investment program
Part Five: Closure 19. Conclusion