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Nanocomposites for Photonic and Electronic Applications. Nanophotonics

  • Book

  • November 2019
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 4772211

Nanocomposites for Photonic and Electronic Applications addresses a range of aspects of different nanocomposites and their possible applications to illustrate the techniques used to prepare and characterize them. In addition, the book discusses possible optical, electronic, biophotonic, photonic and renewable energy applications, presenting a panorama of current research in the field of nanostructures for photonic applications. This is an important reference source for academics and industry engineers who are looking to learn more about how nanocomposites can be used to make cheaper, more efficient products in the electronic and photonic fields.

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Table of Contents

Section I: Overview

Section II: Amorphous and crystalline nanocomposites 1. Thermo-optical properties of glasses doped with semiconductor or metallic nanoparticles for photonic applications 2. Amorphous and crystalline borate nanocompounds doped with europium ions 3. Nanocomposites based random lasers: a review on basics and applications

4. Nanophotonic devices based on oxide-cladding aluminum nitride photonic crystals numerical studies

Section III: Nanocomposites and nanoparticles: optical, electronic, and plasmonic properties

5. Ordered arrays of metallic nanoprisms for photonic applications

6. Charge transfer nanocrystals for optical and electronic applications

7. Porous silicon and germanium thin layers with silver nanoparticle

Section IV: Applications of nanocomposites and nanoparticles: photonics, biophotonics, and renewable energy applications

8. Facile and fast synthesis of lanthanide nanoparticles for bio-applications

9. Green Photonics integrated circuits based on organic-inorganic hybrids


Luciana Reyes Pires Kassab Faculdade de Tecnologia de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Full Professor of Physics at Faculdade de Tecnologia de S�o Paulo, the institution in which she joined in 1992 in the category of Assistant Professor. Graduated in physics at Pontif�cia Universidade Cat�lica de S�o Paulo (1983), and obtained the Master of Science (1987) and Doctor of Science (1996) degrees in Physics at Instituto de F�sica da Universidade de S�o Paulo (Brazil). With over 25 years of research and teaching experience she has been collaborating with the Departamento de Engenharia de Sistemas Eletr�nicos da Escola Polit�cnica da Universidade de S�o Paulo, for the guidance of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. She guided nearly 60 with works on metal dielectric nanocomposites based on germanate and tellurite hosts with enhanced luminescent properties, the fabrication and characterization of rib and pedestal waveguides with metallic nanoparticles for infrared light amplification, the production of nanostructured thin films by the sputtering technique, luminescent glassy materials for the generation of white light and the enhancement of its performance caused by metallic nanoparticles.
She has obtained invention patent (2009) related to Nd3+ doped heavy metal oxide glass for laser applications, is the reviewer of several international journals, has published around 100 refereed papers (google scholar - 2950 citations , h =31), several conference proceedings and 8 invited book chapters. The current research interests include plasmon assisted efficiency enhancement of rare-earth doped glasses covered solar cells, new fabrication processes of passive and active waveguides for integrated photonics, plasmonic effects on the optical gain of rare earth doped waveguides for operation at the infrared region, the linear and nonlinear optical properties of germanium and tellurium oxide glasses based metal-dielectric nanocomposites, carbon thin films by the sputtering technique. Member of the National Institute of Photonics (CNPq), Optical Society of America, Brazilian Physical Society, Brazilian Society of Photonics, Brazilian Materials Research Society and has been acting as referee for financial agencies of Brazil. She has been the Director of Faculty of Technology of S�o Paulo in the period: 2006/2017 Ra�l Rangel-Rojo Universidad Aut�noma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, in Mexico City. Professor Rangel studied Physics at Universidad Aut�noma Metropolitana, Unidad Iztapalapa, in Mexico City. He later received an M.Sc. degree in Physics also at UAM-Iztapalapa. He then moved to Scotland where he studied for an M.Sc. Optoelectronics and Laser Devices, a joint program between Heriot-Watt, and St. Andrews Universities. Later, he received a Ph.D. from Heriot-Watt University. Upon finishing the Ph.D., he returned to M�xico to join the Department of Optics at Centro de Investigaci�n Cient�fica y de Educaci�n Superior de Ensenada (CICESE), in Ensenada, Baja California M�xico as a Research Fellow, where he is now a Senior Scientist.
His research interests are centered in the study of the nonlinear optical properties of materials, and their possible use in all-optical signal processing devices, and in the generation of photon pairs with tailored entanglement properties, of interest for quantum information processing systems. These studies have included different kinds of materials: organic molecules, amorphous semiconductors, and more recently nanostructured materials. His work has also included the development of passive and active waveguides, as well as the study of propagation and emission effects in these systems. It also includes the development of ultrashort pulse amplifiers.
His academic productivity includes the publication of more than 70 refereed papers, several conference proceedings, and 5 book chapters, which have received close to 1000 citations in the literature. He has graduated 1 B.Sc., 11 M.Sc., and 6 Ph.D. students, and has been the principal investigator in several projects financed through CONACYT-M�xico grants. He has been a Researcher for more than 20 years at CICESE, spent almost two-years as a postdoctoral visitor in the National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, in Tsukuba Japan, and has made short research stays at Heriot-Watt University, U. de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, University of California Davis, in the USA and in the University of Padova, Italy. He has imparted several invited talks at International meetings, Research Centers, and in didactical events such as summer schools.
He has been part of different organizing committees for Mexican and international meetings, has been part of editorial committees for various academic journals, and has participated in different evaluation committees for CONACYT-M�xico, and for grant proposals from Argentina and Austria. He was Vice-president (2011-2012) and President (2013-2014) of the Academia Mexicana de �ptica. He was Head of the Department of Optics of CICESE for one year (2009), and Director of the Applied Physics Division also at CICESE (2010-2015). Sidney Jose Lima Ribeiro Institute of Chemistry of the Sao Paulo State University (UNESP) in Araraquara-SP. Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of the S�o Paulo State University (UNESP) in Araraquara-SP, Brazil. Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences. Member of the Academy of Sciences of the State of S�o Paulo. Member of the European Academy of Sciences. Coordination of the Chemistry Division of FAPESP (Funding agency of the State of S�o Paulo). Vice-coordinator of the National Institute of Photonics, Brazil (http://inct.info/en/). Associate Editor of the Journal "Frontiers in Chemistry- Inorganic Chemistry�. Member of the international board of the Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. Member of the international board of the Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. Main interests are in Inorganic Chemistry and its implications in Materials Science, Spectroscopy and Education in Chemistry. On-going research projects deal with natural polymers (bacterial cellulose and silk fibroin), organic-inorganic hybrids, waveguides (optical fibers and thin films), porous materials and luminescent markers for Medicine. Invited researcher at NIRIM - National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials - Tsukuba, Japan. Visiting Professor at the University of Trento, Trento, Italy, University of Angers, Angers, France, University of Toulouse, Toulouse France. University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal and Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Juiz De Fora-MG, Brazil. Supervision of over 22 M.Sc. students, 23 PhD�s and 12 pos-doc researchers. Scientific production: -MyCitations Google Scholar- 12232 citations h=58 i10-index=261, 19 patents.
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