This report examines Poland's market for thermal insulation products and their different uses in building and in industry, as well as identifying key trends impacting the industry.
It builds up from previous data held in-house by the analyst. All data has been reviewed and updated for this edition.
Scope of Study
The study set on the European Market for Thermal Insulation Products comprises ‘Country’ and ‘Market’ volumes.
This is a Country Volume.
Country volumes focus on identifying the demand for common thermal insulation materials used in a given country/region.
Market volumes focus on identifying the demand for a given insulation material in Europe in a country-by-country analysis.
The report covers the following products:
Glass wool, stone wool, expanded polystyrene (EPS - grey and white), extruded polystyrene (XPS), polyurethane/polyisocyanurate (PUR/PIR) foam, phenolic foam, flexible insulation materials (expanded nitrile rubber (ENR) and polyethylene (PE)), renewable insulation materials (e.g., wool, flax/hemp, cellulose, wood fibre), and vacuum insulation panels (VIPs)/aerogel.
Market Volumes
Market Volumes cover the following products: mineral fibre (glass and stone wool), expanded polystyrene (grey and white), extruded polystyrene, and polyurethane/polyisocyanurate foam.
Market Volumes provide data for the countries/regions.
The information comprised in this study is based on both secondary and primary sources. The desk research examined relevant technical and trade journals, published official statistics, and figures derived from trade associations. The primary interview programme included high-level respondents in companies manufacturing, distributing and/or installing thermal insulation materials.
Actual consumption figures are provided for 2020, which has been taken as the base year. Figures are in volume (m3 and tonnes) and value (€). Typical densities have been used to convert between the different volume units, and common prices have been used to convert from volume to value. However, it must be noted that material densities and prices can vary significantly for a given material according to the product’s intended end use.
The study also presents five-year forecasts to 2025, derived from industry and economic indicators, as well as other relevant legislative, commercial and/or technical issues likely to affect individual countries, thermal insulation materials and products, and the end uses to where these are applied. Small discrepancies may appear in the total figures due to rounding.