Information Visualization: Perception for Design, Fourth Edition explores the art and science of why we see objects the way we do. Based on the science of perception and vision, the author presents the key principles at work for a wide range of applications--resulting in visualization of improved clarity, utility and persuasiveness. This new edition has been revised and updated to include the latest relevant research findings. Content has been updated in areas such as the cognitive neuroscience of maps and navigation, the neuroscience of pattern perception, and the hierarchy of learned patterns.
New changes to the book make it easier to apply perceptual lessons to design decisions. In addition, the book offers practical guidelines that can be applied by anyone, including interaction designers and graphic designers of all kinds.
Table of Contents
1. Foundations for an Applied Science of Data Visualization 2. The Environment, Optics, Resolution, and the Display 3. Lightness, Brightness, Contrast, and Constancy 4. Color 5. Visual Salience and Finding Information 6. Static and Moving Patterns 7. Space Perception 8. Visual Objects and Data Objects 9. Images, Narrative, and Gestures for Explanation 10. Interacting with Visualizations 11. Visual Thinking Processes 12. Designing for Perception (new)
Visual Thinking Algorithms Visual Queries Pathfinding on a Map or Diagram Reasoning with a Hybrid of a Visual Display and Mental Imagery Design Sketching Brushing Small Pattern Comparisons in a Large Information Space Degree-of-Relevance Highlighting Generalized Fisheye Views Multidimensional Dynamic Queries with Scatter Plot Visual Monitoring Strategies
APPENDIX A. Changing Primaries B. CIE Color Measurement System Techniques and Systems C. Guidelines