In the training mode, TroubleX is a software application that allows the end user to develop their skills in electrical relay logic and schematic comprehension. In the testing mode, TroubleX is a "litmus test" using a fundamental electrical troubleshooting electric circuit diagram simulator in determining the true level of an electrician's ability to resolve everyday problems regarding relay logic including their ability to read and understand electrical schematics. There are even three hydraulics troubleshooting faults too.
Learning Electrical Troubleshooting:
The learning functions are great for individuals just starting out wanting to learn on their own, the basic electrical wiring via electric circuit diagram. Start by studying the 56 industrial electrical symbols list, reading the entire circuit logic and operational description, print out if you like. An automated electrical circuit diagram description has also been incorporated into the application to inform the user as to exactly what is happening throughout the electric circuit diagram at various stages. Using the electric circuit troubleshooting simulator, explorer operation and circuit. Take some voltage, current and pressure readings. When you are familiar with the electric circuit diagram, troubleshooting tools, the Troubleshooting Assistant and circuit simulator interface, then move on to "generate random electrical faults" mode to exercise your troubleshooting.
When you no longer need to use the electrical troubleshooting assistant, try the 26 fault test to identify your weak areas. Then you can use the "generate specific electricity faults" to strengthen your weak areas. All of the faults have been extensively tested and the answers are correct. This industrial electrical troubleshooting training software is designed to encourage an electrician to step outside the ordinary troubleshooting instincts of merely using voltage probes to do electrical circuit troubleshooting. Utilizing the Amp Probe and Pressure Transducer while applying Ohms Law to all problems will verify every solution given. You always have access to the software when you want a refresher too. It never expires, no annual subscription required either.
Teaching Electrical Troubleshooting:
Instructors can use TroubleX Electrical Troubleshooting simulation software to generate specific electrical circuit faults and hydraulic faults to match the day's lesson, including a mechanical jam. A great tool for showing the class how to troubleshoot, and having the class troubleshoot as a team. A technical instructor can even use TroubleX to make electric circuit games for the class, the team with the highest score wins! They can print out electrical schematics to add to class handouts. With a site license, they can install TroubleX on unlimited computers per facility, unlimited users, so the whole class can use on their own and take a test. Instructors can set an admin password, and enable or disable certain features of the software. Like:
- Hide Fault conditions and wire numbers.
- Disable menu items like "Relay Logic 101", "Clear Faults", etc.
- View student test results with the time taken per fault, average time, total test time, degree of difficulty, number of faults solved, student score, etc.
Electrical Troubleshooting Testing:
If your company is intending to hire an industrial electrician for your maintenance department, the TroubleX electrical troubleshooting test quickly evaluates them for you. The instructor or HR department can set up the software for a 3 electrical problems pre-screening test. Or a more thorough 10 electrical problems test, or gauge their years of experience with a 26 electrical problems test. Maintenance managers and HR departments can use test results as a raise or job promotion requirement too.
This software will take all the guesswork out of determining if an individual is genuinely electrically qualified to troubleshoot your machinery. This electrical troubleshooting simulation software is capable of rendering up to 26 different electrical fault scenarios. This seemingly basic electrical circuit diagram can confound even the most proficient electrical troubleshooter. TroubleX is also testing the user's ability to read and comprehend a simple electric circuit diagram and hydraulic schematics... all via computer simulation. See if they have the skills necessary to troubleshoot your equipment quickly. Schools purchase this software, sometimes as an individual license for the instructor, sometimes as site licenses so every student can use the troubleshooting software on their own too. Why? Because it is only logical that schools that are training new potential employees, want to be on the same page as employers.
When a test is administered and upon completion, the administrator can generate and print a report detailing all the faults, whether or not they were diagnosed correctly and the amount of time it took to troubleshoot each one. It also grades the test taker based on the percentage of correct answers versus the number of problems given.
- The single user license is for install on one computer. You will download trial, register software and within 24 hours your activation code to unlock full software will be emailed to you. The single user license is great for an individual wanting to learn and test, or for the instructor to use as a classroom training tool on the overhead.
- With site licenses, you will receive extra software to manage student or employees license, so they all can have their own copy. This makes the site license purchasing option perfect for technical schools, community colleges, universities, apprenticeship programs, company training departments and other industrial training institutes. Another differentiator of this troubleshooting training tool is the site license gives the owner the right to modify and expand on the program as they see fit. You can modify content, expand help files, etc.
Please note: Within 24 hours of order being placed, you will receive an email with download.
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Course Content
This software tool covers three functional categories:
- Learning Electrical Troubleshooting
- Teaching Electrical Troubleshooting
- Electrical Troubleshooting Testing