Handbook of Algal Science, Microbiology, Technology and Medicine provides a concise introduction to the science, biology, technology and medical use of algae that is structured on the major research fronts of the last four decades, such as algal structures and properties, algal biomedicine, algal genomics, algal toxicology, and algal bioremediation, algal photosystems, algal ecology, algal bioenergy and biofuels. It also covers algal production for biomedicine, algal biomaterials, and algal medicinal foods within these primary sections. All chapters are authored by the leading researchers in their respective research fields.
Our society currently faces insurmountable challenges in the areas of biomedicine and energy in the face of increasing global population and diminishing natural resources as well as the growing environmental and economic concerns, such as global warming, greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. Algae offer a way to deal with these challenges and concerns for both sustainable and environment friendly bioenergy production and in biomedicine through the development of crucial biotechnology.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction to algal science, technology and medicine 2. Algal structures and properties 3. Algal genomics 4. Algal photosystems 5. Algal ecology 6. Algal bioenergy and biofuels 7. Algal biomedicine 8. Algal toxicology 9. Algal bioremediation 10. Algal medicinal foods 11. Algal biomaterials 12. Algal production