Performing a corporate wide risk assessment is doable, and can provide internal audit and its organization a roadmap for the upcoming audit year. In this webinar, participants will learn how to maximize the time spent on the risk assessment process on an annual basis.
This webinar will equip you with a methodology that has been utilized in a robust internal audit department for a billion-dollar revenue corporation. It will discuss key components of a risk assessment and management program, steps involved in the risk assessment process, and tips for continual refinement of audit projects.
Why Should You Attend:
Performing a corporate wide risk assessment can seem like a daunting task for an organization. In reality, it can be done using a template and brainstorming with internal auditors, certified fraud examiners and business unit leaders throughout your organization. Understanding your company’s risk environment is key to having an effective internal audit system; it helps to have significant experience in internal auditing and a mind for coming up with “what could go wrong” in any control environment.This webinar will equip you with a methodology that has been utilized in a robust internal audit department for a billion-dollar revenue corporation. It will discuss key components of a risk assessment and management program, steps involved in the risk assessment process, and tips for continual refinement of audit projects.
Areas Covered in the Webinar:
- The key components of a risk assessment and management program.
- The template for a risk assessment and examples of typical projects that may come up in various departments.
- Brainstorming your industry and the unique types of projects that can be worthwhile projects.
- The methodology for a successful risk assessment process.
- The steps involved in the risk assessment process.
- Continual refinement of audit projects throughout the audit year.
Who Will Benefit:
- Internal audit personnel involved in performing the annual risk assessment
- Internal audit management interested in performing a risk assessment
- Professionals responsible for performing risk assessment duties
- Risk/compliance officers from any industry
Course Content
- The key components of a risk assessment and management program.
- The template for a risk assessment and examples of typical projects that may come up in various departments.
- Brainstorming your industry and the unique types of projects that can be worthwhile projects.
- The methodology for a successful risk assessment process.
- The steps involved in the risk assessment process.
- Continual refinement of audit projects throughout the audit year.