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Traffic-Related Air Pollution

  • Book

  • 648 Pages
  • August 2020
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 4991053

Traffic-Related Air Pollution synthesizes and maps TRAP and its impact on human health at the individual and population level. The book analyzes mitigating standards and regulations with a focus on cities. It provides the methods and tools for assessing and quantifying the associated road traffic emissions, air pollution, exposure and population-based health impacts, while also illuminating the mechanisms underlying health impacts through clinical and toxicological research. Real-world implications are set alongside policy options, emerging technologies and best practices. Finally, the book recommends ways to influence discourse and policy to better account for the health impacts of TRAP and its societal costs.

  • Overviews existing and emerging tools to assess TRAP's public health impacts
  • Examines TRAP's health effects at the population level
  • Explores the latest technologies and policies--alongside their potential effectiveness and adverse consequences--for mitigating TRAP
  • Guides on how methods and tools can leverage teaching, practice and policymaking to ameliorate TRAP and its effects

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Table of Contents

1. Traffic -Related Air Pollution: Emissions, Human Exposures, and Health 2. Basics of Air Pollution, Air Quality and Vehicle Emission Standards and Environmental Regulation 3. Traffic Monitoring and Modeling 4. Vehicle Emissions Measurement and Modeling 5. Air Pollution Measurement and Modeling 6. Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Exposure Assessment 7. Air pollution Epidemiology 8. Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses of Air Pollution Epidemiological Studies 9. Established and Emerging Health Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution 10. Evidence from Toxicological and Mechanistic Studies 11. Biomarkers and OMICS of Health Effects associated with Traffic-Related Air Pollution 12. Qualitative Health Impact Assessment 13. Quantitative Health Impact and Burden of Disease Assessment 14. The Impacts of Traffic-Related Air Pollution on Health in Policy and Decision-Making 15. Policy Options Generation and Selection 16. Best Practices for Clean Air and Active Transportation 17. Air Pollution Mitigation Through Vegetation Barriers and Green Space 18. Cost-Effectiveness and Feasibility of Policies 19. The social, environmental, health and economic impacts of low carbon transport policy: A review of the evidence 20. Environmental Justice 21. Emerging Transportation Technologies and Implications for Traffic-Related Emissions, Air Pollution Exposure, and Health 22. Market Solutions 23. The State of the Literature on Traffic Emissions, Air Pollution, Human Exposures, and Health 24. The Best Policies are Written in the Absence of Fear 25. Traffic-Related Emissions, Air Pollution, Exposures and Health: A Way Forward


Khreis, Haneen Haneen Khreis is an Assistant Research Scientist in the Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University. She researches the health impacts of transport planning and policy. She is experienced in transport planning and engineering, vehicle emissions and air quality monitoring and modelling, exposure assessment, reviews and meta-analyses, health impact and burden of disease assessment, policy options generation, cross-disciplinary collaboration and the science-policy link in transport and health. Nieuwenhuijsen, Mark Mark Nieuwenhuijsen is a Research Professor at the Barcelona Institute of Global Health and a Professorial Fellow at the Australian Catholic University. He is a world-leading expert in environmental exposure assessment, epidemiology, and health risk/impact assessment with a strong focus and interest in urban and transport planning and health. He has edited three books on exposure assessment and environmental epidemiology and one on urban and transport planning and health, and co-authored more than 350 papers. Zietsman, Josias Josias Zietsman is Center Director for the Texas Transportation Institute. He is an expert in transportation engineering specializing in air quality, sustainable transportation, transportation planning, and the emerging topic of public health and transportation. He has led landmark transportation air quality studies in the US. He has co-written a seminal textbook, and authored over 70 technical publications including reports and papers. Ramani, Tara Tara Ramani is an Assistant Research Engineer at Texas A&M University's Texas Transportation Institute. Her research spans sustainable transportation, transportation emissions and air quality, transportation planning and policy, health and transportation, transportation performance measures, and transportation decision-making. She has also worked extensively on practitioner training and outreach to assist with the implementation of sustainability concepts.