AQUATOX: Modelling Environmental Risk and Damage Assessment, a new volume in the Developments in Environmental Modelling series, provides a single source for all AQUATOX applications, including basic equations, applications and examples on model implementation in various aquatic habitats (riverine, lacustrine and estuarine). The book presents a comprehensive reference source for AQUATOX model applications that can be used for an ecological modeling course at the graduate level. Throughout the text, chapter headings are organized to help users understand model building processes, state variables, and components. Case studies are provided to enhance learning and help readers assemble and calibrate their own AQUATOX applications.
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms B. User-Supplied Par
Dick Park President, Eco Modeling.
Dr. Richard Park received a B.S. in Geology from Louisiana State University (1961), and an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Geology with doctoral minors in Plant Ecology and Invertebrate Zoology from the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1965 and 1966). He was Professor of Geology and Ecosystem Analysis, and Director, Center for Ecological Modeling, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York from 1966-1985. Director, Aquatic and Coastal Studies, and Coordinator of Institute Programs, Holcomb Research Institute, Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana from1985- 1991. Visiting Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington 1991-1993. Senior Environmental Modeller, Abt Associates Inc., Bethesda Maryland 1993-1995. He founded Eco Modeling in 1979, and he has been President full-time since 1995.
Jonathan Clough Modeler and Programmer, Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. Warren, VT, USA.
Jonathan Clough has been an environmental consultant since 1994 with special emphasis on developing object-oriented environmental computer models. Since 1995, he has been the primary programmer for EPA's AQUATOX bioaccumulation, toxicant fate, and effects model. He has been developing and applying SLAMM (Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model) since 1998. Mr. Clough founded Warren Pinnacle Consulting, Inc. in 2001.
Eldon C. Blancher Systems Ecologist, Moffett and Nichol, Mobile, AL, USA.
Dr. Blancher joined M&N with more than 35 years of experience in applied environmental sciences and systems ecology in a wide range of environments. He has extensive experience in assessment, analysis, and planning of numerous restoration projects. He is responsible for corporate performance for government and industrial clients; with emphasis on the north central gulf coast southeastern US (AL; FL; MS; LA) but with extensive national (Atlantic Coast including Georgia, North Carolina and New Jersey) and international experience. Dr. Blancher is a senior consultant who performs performing general project management, restoration planning and implementation, ecological assessment and modeling; habitat assessments; surface water quality modeling (aquatic & marine), particularly nutrients and organic chemicals using AQUATOX;. He has also served as an expert witness and conducts a variety of assessments including those related to natural resource damage; benthic macroinvertebrate and analysis (aquatic & marine); wetland & SAV and analysis; and aquatic toxicology and risk assessment. He is very familiar with Clean Water Act permitting (all pollutants), data interpretation and reporting.
Marjorie Coombs Wellman Ecologist, retired.
Marjorie Coombs Wellman spent more than 2 decades at the US Environmental Protection Agency, where she was the project manager for the development, documentation, and training for AQUATOX, from its earliest public release until her retirement in 2014. She previously worked for the state of Florida in water quality standards, wetlands regulation and as a field biologist. She holds degrees in ecology and biology from Middlebury College and Pennsylvania State University.
David Mauriello Ecologist.
Dr. Mauriello is former Senior Ecologist with USEPA office of Pollution Prevention and Toxic Substances and was the Program Leader who inspired the development of AQUATO. Along with Richard Park and others, was instrumental in the early implementations of AQUATOX and provided agency guidance in its funding and development.