Mathematical Modelling of Contemporary Electricity Markets reviews major methodologies and tools to accurately analyze and forecast contemporary electricity markets in a ways that is ideal for practitioner and academic audiences. Approaches include optimization, neural networks, genetic algorithms, co-optimization, econometrics, E3 models and energy system models. The work examines how new challenges affect power market modeling, including discussions of stochastic renewables, price volatility, dynamic participation of demand, integration of storage and electric vehicles, interdependence with other commodity markets and the evolution of policy developments (market coupling processes, security of supply). Coverage addresses all major forms of electricity markets: day-ahead, forward, intraday, balancing, and capacity.
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Table of Contents
Part 1: Modelling market fundamentals of electricity markets
1. Forecasting energy demand with econometrics
2. An econometric approach for Germany's short-term energy demand forecasting
3. A novel adaptive day-ahead load forecast method, incorporating non-metered distributed generation: a comparison of selected European countries
4. Use probabilistic forecasting to model uncertainties in electricity markets
a wind power example
5. Forecasting week-ahead hourly electricity prices in Belgium with statistical and machine learning methods
6. Modelling interlinked commodities' prices: The case of natural gas
Part 2: Modelling electricity markets
7. An optimization model for the economic dispatch problem in power exchanges
8. Power system flexibility: A methodological analytical framework based on unit commitment and economic dispatch modelling
9. Modeling cross-border interactions of EU balancing markets: a focus on scarcity pricing
10. Retailer profit maximization with the assistance of price and load forecasting processes
11. Electricity portfolio optimization: cost minimization using MILP
Part 3: Modelling technology challenges in electricity markets
12. Business opportunities in the day ahead markets by storage integration: an application to the German case.
13. The integration of dynamic demand in electricity markets: Blockchain 3.0 as an enabler of microgrid energy exchange, demand response and storage
14. Optimizing CHP operational planning?for participating in day-ahead power markets: The case of a coal-fired CHP system with thermal energy storage
15. Statistical analysis of power flows based on system marginal price differentials between two power systems
16. EW Flex: A Decentralized Flexibility Marketplace Fostering TSO-DSO Cooperation
Part 4: Modelling policy challenges in electricity markets
17. Forecasting electricity supply shocks: A Bayesian panel VAR analysis
18: Assessing the Western Balkans power systems: A case study of Serbia
19. Evaluation of capacity expansion scenarios for the Hellenic electric sector
20. Formulating and estimating an energy security index: A geopolitical review of quantitative approaches
21. An ex-ante market monitoring and regulation mechanism for market concentration in electricity and natural gas markets