Are you working with a virtual team and not sure what makes it work? Are you willing to `learn the hard way` or would you prefer to be successful immediately?
Knowing what need to do to create engagement and prevent isolation is important. There are aspects to consider with a virtual team and things to avoid you may not have thought of previously. To effectively engage your team and lead them to high performance, both team leaders and members need to equip themselves with the right skills and tools. Save your team time, money, and anxiety by getting the roadmap to working virtually in this workshop.
This is not `just a new way to work`! It requires a totally different approach to communication, engagement, and getting work done. It isn't business as normal right now, so don't make the mistake assuming you can keep on doing what you've always done. Difficult times require leaders and managers to step up and lead! Show your team how you will manage this crises by leading the virtual team successfully.
Find out what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and why you should. The cost of not taking this webinar is too high!
Why you should Attend:
Working virtually is new to most of us. Making sure that your team is on task, engaged, and working smart is harder than ever.
Instead of learning how to work with your team through trial and error, come to this workshop to shorten the learning curve. You'll save time, money, and anxiety by knowing exactly what you need to do to ensure your team is successful in this difficult time.