Digital transformation is shaping a new landscape for businesses and their customers. For marketing professionals, advancing technology (artificial intelligence, robots, chatbots, etc.) and the explosion of personal data available present great opportunities to offer customers experiences that are ever richer, more fluid and more connected. For customers, this ecosystem is synonymous with new roles. They are more autonomous and have power alongside the company: they influence, innovate, punish and more. These developments push companies to implement new customer strategies.
It is in this context, marked by pitfalls and paradoxes, that the authors of this book reflect on the customer relationship, what it has become and what it will be tomorrow. The book provides practitioners, teacher-researchers and Master's students with a state of the art and a prospective vision of customer relations in a digital world. It is aimed at those who want to gain an up-to-date understanding of the field and find all the keys needed to project themselves into the future.
Table of Contents
Preface xiii
Chapter 1. Customer Strategies in the Face of New Technological, Social and Environmental Challenges 1
Gilles N’GOALA
1.1. AI, robotization and algorithms: what are the effects on customers? 2
1.2. Business model renewal: what are the impacts on customers? 6
1.3. Accountability to customers and citizens: why and how? 8
1.4. Practicing open innovation with customers 12
1.5. Customer relationship management in the face of societal and environmental challenges 13
1.6. Conclusion 17
1.7. Acknowledgements 18
1.8. References 19
Chapter 2. Brand Practices Faced with Augmented Consumers 23
Nathalie FLECK and Laure AMBROISE
2.1. A more complex approach to the customer to follow them wherever they go 24
2.1.1. Following the customer wherever they buy: from multichannel to omnichannel 24
2.1.2. Communicating with the customer wherever they come into contact with the company: the touchpoints 25
2.2. An evolution of message content 27
2.2.1. A constant search for a demonstration of transparency 27
2.2.2. Indirect speaking: the growing role of influencers 30
2.3. A stronger involvement of consumers in brands 31
2.3.1. Increasing consumer participation 31
2.3.2. An increasingly personalized relationship 34
2.3.3. A relationship based on utility and meaning through commitment 35
2.4. Conclusion 39
2.5. References 39
Chapter 3. The Augmented Customer Relationship: the Increasing Importance of the Customer’s Role 41
Sylvie LLOSA and Lionel NICOD
3.1. The customer, a long-standing player in the relationship 41
3.1.1. The customer, from the role of beneficiary to the role of relationship producer 42
3.1.2. A role as a producer, a source of value for the company and the customer 44
3.2. The digitization, development and diversification of the customers’ roles 45
3.2.1. An enrichment of intra-role roles through the development of technologies in the relationship 46
3.2.2. An intensification and diversification of the customer’s extra roles 47
3.3. The consequences for the company 50
3.3.1. Motivating customers to play a greater role 50
3.3.2. Managing customer expertise 52
3.3.3. Rethinking the role of staff in the customer journey to create greater value 54
3.4. References 55
Chapter 4. Innovation Augmented by the Customer: from Ideation to Diffusion 59
Thomas RUSPIL, Cyrielle VELLERA and Andreas MUNZEL
4.1. Introduction: the new roles and contributions of the customer 59
4.2. The role of the customer in the upstream phase of the launch of an innovation: the customer as a source of new ideas at the service of companies’ innovation processes 60
4.2.1. Toward customer participation in innovation 60
4.2.2. Innovation by customers and users (user innovation): a major phenomenon? 62
4.2.3. Co-innovating with customers and users: three possible strategies 62
4.2.4. Co-innovating with companies: what do the main stakeholders think? 65
4.3. The role of the customer downstream of an innovation launch: the customer influences to facilitate the adoption of the innovation on the market 66
4.3.1. From the innovative customer to the influential customer 66
4.3.2. Influence marketing: a new role for the customer? 67
4.3.3. From OLs to e-OLs - who are they? 68
4.3.4. Identifying and selecting leaders and e-OLs 69
4.3.5. Relationship management with leaders and e-OLs 70
4.4. Conclusion 71
4.5. Acknowledgements 72
4.6. References 72
Chapter 5. The Customer’s Voice: Toward New Listening Tools 77
Andreas MUNZEL, Jessie PALLUD and Daria PLOTKINA
5.1. Introduction: “markets are conversations” 77
5.2. The different forms of WOM 78
5.3. Steps to managing the customer’s voice over the Internet 79
5.3.1. Step 1: set up listening measures 79
5.3.2. Step 2: respond to online customers 84
5.4. Current and future challenges 88
5.4.1. Challenge 1: when the customer’s voice is manipulated (the case of deceptive reviews) 88
5.4.2. Challenge 2: when the internal customer - the employee - expresses himself online 88
5.5. Conclusion 89
5.6. References 90
Chapter 6. Redesigning the Customer’s Role in a Connected World 95
Pauline FOLCHER, Sarah MUSSOL and Gilles N’GOALA
6.1. A connected customer with multiple faces 97
6.1.1. The connected customer’s fragmented identity 97
6.1.2. Representations and performance of the connected customer 99
6.2. Managing the customer in their connected environment 103
6.2.1. Customer marketing, between secrecy and stealth 103
6.2.2. The dark side of the IoT 105
6.2.3. Toward the disappearance of the “customer” in a connected world? 106
6.3. Connected customers, masters of their own consumption and relationship with brands 107
6.3.1. Connection as a source of value creation for the individual 108
6.3.2. Orchestration of connected objects and organization of services around the individual 109
6.3.3. The individual in a connected environment: control or trust? 111
6.4. Conclusion 113
6.5. References 113
Chapter 7. The Augmented Customer Experience: Between Humanity and Robotization? 117
7.1. From experience to omnichannel experience 118
7.1.1. Rethinking the experience when it becomes omnichannel 118
7.1.2. From the integration of the Internet into the purchasing process to omnichannel: toward a sublimation of the customer experience? 119
7.1.3. Creating an unforgettable memory souvenir because of the fluidity between “touchpoints” 121
7.2. Management of the omnichannel system: between fluidity, continuity or disruption and jumping between “touchpoints”? 122
7.2.1. When the experience with a touchpoint is the continuity of an experience started elsewhere 122
7.2.2. The TEAV model as a theoretical basis for the analysis of omnichannel trajectories 125
7.2.3. The contents of the omnichannel experience approached in a holistic way 126
7.2.4. An experience that is exacerbated when it is experienced over several channels? 128
7.3. Conclusion: the place of the human being and technology to create a quality experience 129
7.4. References 131
Chapter 8. Designing Your Customer Experience 133
Florence JACOB
8.1. Designing a new customer experience 135
8.1.1. Step 1: analyzing past customer experiences 135
8.1.2. Step 2: taking strategic prerequisites into account 136
8.1.3. Step 3: prioritizing and determining the place for the desired experience 136
8.1.4. Step 4: operationalizing the journeys that constitute the experience 138
8.1.5. Step 5: checking the created journeys 139
8.2. Designing customer journeys 140
8.2.1. The classic graphic tools: blueprint and contact matrix 140
8.2.2. Practicing design thinking by creating personas 141
8.2.3. Interests and limitations of graphic tools 143
8.3. Big data and design: the two necessary areas of expertise 144
8.4. References 145
Chapter 9. Customer Relationships and Digital Technologies: What Place and Role for Sales Representatives? 149
9.1. A new way of selling: social selling 150
9.1.1. What is social selling? 150
9.1.2. Meeting customers on their buying journey 151
9.1.3. Adopting a sales approach focused on meeting needs 151
9.1.4. Using social media at every stage of the sale 153
9.1.5. Improving business performance 154
9.1.6. Overcoming social media challenges 155
9.2. The prospects of AI for the commercial sector 157
9.2.1. The new strategic toolbox or the augmented salesperson 158
9.2.2. Toward sales automation or sales without a salesperson 162
9.2.3. New forms of sale or the humanoid robot-seller 163
9.3. References 164
Chapter 10. Engaging Reciprocity from the Complainant Customer in the Digital Age 167
Françoise SIMON
10.1. Obtaining the complainant customer’s voice: a multifaceted challenge 167
10.1.1. Back to the Exit, Voice, Loyalty model 168
10.1.2. When the customer’s desire for discussion depends on the state of the relationship with the brand 169
10.2. Understanding the complainant customer’s levers of reciprocity 171
10.2.1. The central role of perceived justice in shaping customer satisfaction 171
10.2.2. The triggering of the customer’s desire for reciprocity 172
10.3. Differentiating the care of complainant customers 175
10.3.1. Globalization and taking the intercultural factor into account 175
10.3.2. Identifying the complainant customer’s motivations on social networks 176
10.3.3. The “love becomes hate” effect of the loyal customer 176
10.3.4. The matrix of restorative actions 177
10.4. Conclusion 178
10.5. References 179
Chapter 11. The Firm’s Empathic Capacity: a Social Neuroscience Perspective for Managing Customer Engagement in the Digital Era 183
11.1. Introduction: the dilemma of digital transformation in customer relationship management 183
11.2. What social neuroscience tells us about empathy 185
11.2.1. Social neuroscience: what is it? 185
11.2.2. The emotional connection is essential to any social and commercial relationship 186
11.2.3. Empathy: the epicenter of the emotional connection 187
11.3. Developing firms’ empathic capacity: a two-level strategy 191
11.3.1. Sharing the customer’s emotional states 191
11.3.2. Understanding the customer’s mental states 194
11.3.3. How does the customer appraise their engagement with the firm? 197
Chapter 12. Data Marketing for Customer Intimacy 203
Grégoire BOTHOREL and Virginie PEZ-PÉRARD
12.1. Multiple customer data sources 206
12.2. The different customer data hubs 207
12.3. The difficult consolidation of customer data 209
12.4. The intersection of media and data to serve customer strategy 210
12.5. Leveraging data: market research in the era of customer data 215
12.6. Data marketing... tomorrow 217
12.7. References 218
Chapter 13. The Dark Side of Customer Relationship Management Practices in the Data Age: Managing Resistance and Perceived Intrusion for Responsible Practices 219
13.1. The dark side of customer relationship management practices 220
13.2. Possible consumer feelings 221
13.2.1. A sense of pressure 221
13.2.2. A sense of injustice 222
13.2.3. A sense of loss of control 223
13.3. The consequences: consumers are showing signs of resistance 224
13.3.1. Resistance: what are we talking about? 224
13.3.2. Consumer resistance to the collection and use of personal data 227
13.4. Solutions for effective and responsible practices 230
13.4.1. Optimizing the execution of loyalty practices 231
13.4.2. Monitoring effectiveness using customer-centric metrics 231
13.4.3. Overseeing the implementation of “virtuous” practices 232
13.4.4. Restoring confidence in the collection and use of data 233
13.5. Acknowledgements 237
13.6. References 237
Chapter 14. The Legal Basis for a Data Economy Based on Trust 241
14.1. Personal data at the heart of the DGMP 242
14.1.1. Personal data: the black gold of the 21st Century 242
14.1.2. Personal data and brands: the cyber-consumer chooses brands that respect confidentiality 243
14.2. GDPR tools to restore trust 243
14.2.1. Clear and explicit consent 243
14.2.2. Ensuring the rights of the cyber-consumer over their personal data 244
14.2.3. Creation of a Data Protection Officer role 245
14.3. The future of our personal data 245
14.3.1. A right of ownership over our personal data? 245
14.3.2. The future: toward a right to an income on our data? 249
14.4. Conclusion 253
14.5. References 254
Chapter 15. Information Systems Security: Challenges, Vulnerabilities and Tools 257
Philippe COHARD
15.1. Current uses reinforcing the need for security: cryptocurrency and blockchains 258
15.1.1. Blockchain principles 258
15.1.2. Blockchain applications 259
15.2. Protecting yourself from potential threats: safety and security 261
15.3. Security in companies and organizations 262
15.3.1. Vulnerabilities, risks and ISP 262
15.3.2. Deterrence, neutralization and awareness - training 263
15.4. The standards that govern safety: ISO/IEC 27000 265
15.5. Conclusion 268
15.6. References 269
Chapter 16. Organizing the Augmented Customer Relationship 271
Isabelle PRIM-ALLAZ and Pierre VOLLE
16.1. Introduction 271
16.2. Governance of customer strategy within the organization 272
16.2.1. The value of having a Chief Customer Officer 272
16.2.2. The CCO, the one man orchestra 273
16.3. The role of the different stakeholders in customer relationship management 274
16.3.1. The key role of employees 274
16.3.2. Other stakeholders involved 278
16.4. In-house contracting or outsourcing: who should implement customer relationship management? 282
16.4.1. Managing customer relations internally 282
16.4.2. Outsourcing customer relationship management 283
16.5. Aligning the organization around the customer strategy 285
16.6. References 285
List of Authors 289
Index 293