The Not-For-Profit Certificate II Program (30 CPE Credits and 30 CAE Credits) offers intermediate training on how to apply core concepts in NFP accounting and financial reporting, governance and assurance, and tax compliance.
Delivered through an award-winning on-demand e-learning interface, this self-paced course was developed to appeal to all learning styles and levels using audio, video and hands-on skills practice.
You’ll be able to successfully prepare not-for-profit financial statements in accordance with GAAP, including implementation of the most current FASB Accounting Standards likely to be effective for most nonprofits’ next financial reporting periods.
Share your accomplishment with a digital badge
In addition to CPE credits, successful completion of this certificate will earn you a digital badge that can be posted to your social media profiles or your organization’s website.
You do not need to be a CPA to earn this certificate.
Courses included in this program:
- Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Tax Compliance
- Form 990 Preparation: Schedules
- Form 990 Preparation: Core Form
- Unrelated Business Income Taxes (UBIT)
- Maintaining Tax Exemption
- Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Financial Reporting
- Statement of Financial Position
- Statement of Activities
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Statement of Functional Expenses
- Financial Statement Note Disclosures for NFPs
- Interpreting and Analyzing an NFP's Financial Statements
- Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements
- Not-for-Profit Certificate II - Governance and Assurance
- Aligning Mission and Strategy
- Budget Considerations for Not-for-Profits
- Ethical Issues in Not-for-Profits
- Performance Measurement for Not-for-Profits
- Applying the COSO ERM Framework
- Risk Assessment for NFP
Who Will Benefit
- Nonprofit financial professionals
- Professionals in public practice
- CPA firms looking for higher-level application and strategy training for staff members
Key Topics
- Key factors in defining and measuring mission success, including performance measurement, risk assessment, benchmarking, cash flow management, and forecasting
- Financial statement preparation for not-for-profit organizations
- Core IRS Form 990 preparations
- Budgeting for not-for-profit organizations
- Strategic planning for not-for-profit organizations
- Design and management of internal controls
Learning Objectives
- Prepare a complete set of NFP financial statements, a budget, a strategic plan, and the core IRS Form 990 and supplemental materials.
- Analyze financial statements to assess an NFP’s financial health.
- Evaluate facts and circumstances to determine whether a tax-exempt organization has reporting requirements or a tax liability for unrelated business income tax (UBIT).
- Apply techniques to effectively steward an NFP's resources to achieve mission success, including performance measurement, risk assessment and response strategies, benchmarking, cash flow management, and forecasting.
- Identify a process to assess, design, implement and monitor internal controls.
Credit Info
- CPE CREDITS: Online: 30. Once activated, you will gain immediate online access to the product.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Do I have to be a CPA to get the certificate?
You do not have to be a CPA to obtain the certificate. The certificate is designed to benefit CPAs and non-CPA alike, including anyone who works for, or with, a nonprofit. Those who obtain the certificate will receive the recommended CPE / CAE credits.
- Are there any prerequisites I need to take prior to starting the NFP Certificate program?
There are no required prerequisites, but a foundational knowledge of NFP accounting, such as can be obtained from taking the first in the Not-for-Profit Certificate series, is recommended. Those with prior experience with NFP financial reporting can take the second certificate without having completed the first.
- How is the course material presented?
Designed to be highly interactive, this program offers multiple opportunities for learning, including case study analysis and several gaming scenarios. Participants will be offered the opportunity to apply their new NFP knowledge in a simulated real-world environment. Tests are presented after each course to allow you to apply what you just learned. There are no additional tests at the end of tracks or when you’ve completed the certificate.
- How long will it take me to complete?
This varies from individual to individual and is completely dependent upon the time the participant allocates to completing the coursework. A commitment of approximately 28 hours will be required for most individuals to successfully complete the program.
- What period of time do I have to complete the program?
You have twenty-four (24) months from the date of purchase to complete all the courses. You are encouraged to complete the program within a twelve (12) month period or less.
- Can I complete the program in any order?
There are no limitations on the order in which you can take the courses.
- When will I receive a hard copy of my certificate?
You will receive your certificate in the mail 6-8 weeks after completing the program.
- Once I complete the program and obtain my Certificate, how long is it valid?
The NFP Certificate is not a professional credential or license, it is evidence that the program was successfully completed as of a certain year, therefore it does not expire. However, we anticipate that some individual courses may be updated every 1-3 years to reflect changes in the industry. For your certificate to remain current, you will need to successfully complete those updated courses. However, updates are likely to be at a fraction of the cost of the original certificate. Plus, you have access to the program for 24 months from purchase, if the courses are updated during that period, you will have access to the updated courses at no additional cost. Completion of these updated courses will earn a new Certificate, with the current year’s date.
- Is there any cost savings in purchasing the entire certificate over buying tracks individually?
Individual courses are priced higher than the bundles, so buying the governance track is less expensive than buying the individual courses separately, and buying the certificate is less expensive than buying each of the 3 tracks separately.
- If I were to purchase one course or track, and then decided to purchase the entire certificate, will I still get the full bundled price savings?
Yes, as long as you haven’t already paid more than the full certificate price. The price you paid for the courses or tracks you have already taken will be deducted from the total certificate price.
- If I am unable to complete the entire NFP Certificate Program, will I receive CPE credit for the courses I do complete?
You are not required to complete the entire program to earn CPE credit. The courses are offered individually, so you will earn CPE credit for each course you take and successfully complete the exam. However, you must successfully complete the exam for all courses in the entire program in order to receive the NFP Certificate.
- Am I required to obtain a certain number of CPE credits annually for the Certificate to remain current and active?
There are no specific annual requirements for maintaining your Certificate. However, we anticipate that some individual courses may be updated every 1-3 years to reflect changes in the industry. For your certificate to remain current, you will need to successfully complete those updated courses. However, updates are likely to be at a fraction of the cost of the original certificate. Plus, you have access to the program for 24 months from purchase, if the courses are updated during the access period, you will have access to the updated courses at no additional cost.
- I have prior experience working with NFPs. Will I be allowed to test out of certain courses while still earning the certificate?
Actual completion of the courses is required to earn the NFP Certificate. CPE credit is being awarded for the courses, and the CPE standards do not allow for “testing out of” a course as a way to earn credit.
System Requirements
AICPA’s online CPE courses will operate in a variety of configurations, but only the configuration described below is supported by AICPA technicians.
A stable and continuous internet connection is required. In order to record your completion of the online learning courses, please ensure you are connected to the internet at all times while taking the course. It is your responsibility to validate that CPE certificate(s) are available within your account after successfully completing the course and/or exam.
Supported Operating Systems:
- Macintosh OS X 10.
- Do I have to be a CPA to get the certificate?