Neurocognitive Mechanisms of Attention: Computational Models, Physiology, and Disease States describes the brain mechanisms underlying the attention control system, how those mechanisms are examined, how they operate in different disease states, and methods for improving them. Conceptual models of attention further explore their functional operation. Coverage includes the different types of attention, processing paths, brain anatomy, and attention's role in memory and movement. Factors affecting attention are explored including nutrition, exercise, and genetics. Neurocognitive disorders impacting attention are discussed including autism, ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease. Assessment methods and treatments are uniquely set against the backdrop of current conceptual, computational, and oscillatory-based models to encourage researchers to pursue continued development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
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Table of Contents
Section 1 Attention and its functions1. Different types of attention2. Anatomy and physiology of attention3. Attention in memory4. Attention in movement
Section 2 Attention in neurocognitive dysfunction5. Factors that affect function of the attention control system6. Neurocognitive diseases and disorders7. Assessment methods8. Therapeutic methods
Section 3 Models of the attention system9. Conceptual models10. Computational models11. An oscillatory-based model