Analysis and Design of Plated Structures: Stability, Second Edition covers the latest developments in new plate solutions and structural models for plate analysis. Completely revised and updated by its distinguished editors and international team of contributors, this edition also contains new chapters on GBT-based stability analysis and the finite strip and direct strength method (DSM). Other sections comprehensively cover bracing systems, storage tanks under wind loading, the analysis and design of light gauge steel members, applications of high strength steel members, cold-formed steel pallet racks, and the design of curved steel bridges.
This is a comprehensive reference for graduate students, researchers and practicing engineers in the fields of civil, structural, aerospace, mechanical, automotive and marine engineering.
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Table of Contents
Analytical solutions for plate buckling from static analysis approach
J. Tenenbaum and M. Eisenberger
2 Buckling of shear deformable plates subjected to nonuniform in-plane forces
I. Shufrin and Moshe Eisenberger
3 Hencky bar-grid model and Hencky bar-net model for buckling analysis of rectangular plates
Yunpeng Zhang, C.M. Wang, D.M. Pedroso and H. Zhang
4 Finite element formulation for plate stability analysis
W. Kanok-Nukulchai
5 Developments on the generalized beam theory-based stability analysis of thin-walled members and structural systems
Dinar Camotim, Rodrigo Gonc�alves and Cilmar Basaglia
6 Finite strip methods for stability analysis of thin-walled members with applications to the Direct Strength Method of design
Gregory Hancock and Cao Hung Pham
7 Lateral buckling of tapered steel members
M.A. Bradford
8 Plastic buckling of plates
C.M. Wang
9 Mechanical and thermal buckling of ceramic
J.N. Reddy and R.A. Arciniega
10 Thermal buckling and postbuckling of laminated plates
Hui-Shen Shen
11 Local and interaction buckling of composite construction members
B. Uy
12 Analyzing the strength and ductility of plated structures
T. Usami and H.B. Ge
13 Concrete-filled steel box columns
N.E. Shanmugam
14 Direct stiffness
Mahendrakumar Madhavan and Sivaganesh Selvaraj
15 Stability of aboveground storage tanks subjected to wind loading
Eyas Azzuni and Sukru Guzey
16 Behavior, analysis, and design of light gauge steel members
V. Kalyanaraman, M.V. Anil Kumar and M. Nithyadharan
17 Structural behavior of welded H-sections made of high-strength S690 steel plates and their applications in construction
K.F. Chung, Y.F. Hu, M. Xiao, X. Liu and D.A. Nethercot
18 Analysis of corrugated web plates in bridge structures
E. Watanabe, C. Machimdamrong, T. Utsunomiya, M. Kano and T. Kadotani
19 Stability research into the design of curved steel bridges
Jim Davidson
20 Steel
N.E. Shanmugam
N.E. Shanmugam Former Professor of Civil Engineering, Department of CivilEngineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore. Former Professor of Civil Engineering, Department of Civil
Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore C.M. Wang TMR Chair Professor in Structural Engineering, School of Civil
Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia. C. M. Wang TMR Chair Professor in Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Australia