Sustainable Biochar for Water and Wastewater Treatment addresses the worldwide water contamination and scarcity problem by presenting an innovative and cost-efficient solution. This book directly deals with the Sustainable Development Goal 6: Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Each chapter is authored by a respected expert in the field of water and wastewater treatment, with each chapter including case studies, worked examples, and exercises. As such, the book is the perfect introduction to the field and is multipurpose in that it can be used for teaching, learning, research, and practice. The book is invaluable for undergraduate level and above in water science, environmental sciences, soil science, material sciences and engineering, chemical sciences and engineering, and biological sciences.
The book covers the various aspects of biochar requirements for use in adsorption science and technology. It includes vital information on this hot topic and provides a real solution to the global issues of water contamination and scarcity.
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Table of Contents
1. Comprehensive biomass characterization in preparation for conversion
2. Biomass carbonization technologies
3. Physicochemical characterization of biochar derived from
4. Biochar characterization for water and wastewater treatments
5. Biochar adsorption system designs
6. Techno-economic analysis of biochar in wastewater treatment
7. Retention of oxyanions on biochar surface
8. Arsenic removal from household drinking water by biochar and biochar composites: A focus on scale-up
9. Application of biochar for the removal of actinides and lanthanides from aqueous solutions
10. Microplastic removal from water and wastewater by carbon-supported materials
11. Sorptive removal of pharmaceuticals using sustainable biochars
12. Dye removal using biochars
13. Biochar as a potential agent for the remediation of microbial contaminated water
14. Biochar-based constructed wetland for contaminants removal from manure wastewater
15. Biochar and biochar composites for oil sorption
16. Biochar and biochar composites for poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) sorption
17. Simple modeling approaches to monitor and predict organic contaminant adsorption by biochar
18. Nanoscale zero-valent iron-decorated biochar for aqueous contaminant removal
19. An insight into the sorptive interactions between aqueous contaminants and biochar
20. Nanobiochar for aqueous contaminant removal
21. Life cycle analysis of biochar use in water treatment plants
22. Optimizing biochar adsorption relative to activated carbon in water treatment
23. Biochar-assisted advanced oxidation processes for wastewater treatment
Dinesh Mohan Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. Dinesh Mohan is a professor in the School of Environmental Sciences at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. He is an elected fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London, and of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS). He is also an adjunct professor at the Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, United States. He is a visiting professor at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic. He was an adjunct professor at the International Centre for Applied Climate Science University of Southern Queensland, Australia. He has earned his master's degree and PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR). Professor Mohan also worked as a postdoctoral associate at Penn State University (1997) for 2years and at Mississippi State University (2005) for more than 2 years. For the last more than 26 years, he has been involved in various research activities including water monitoring, assessment, modeling, and remediation; sustainable treatment technologies for contaminants removal; climate change mitigation; and biomass conversion into biooil and biochar. Recently, he has developed a technology for a sustainable solution to the stubble burning problem in India. He has successfully completed more than 20 research projects and has published more than 150 research papers (total citations: >40,000 and h factor: 75) in the high impact factor journals.Dr. Mohan has been a recipient of a number of academic and professional recognitions, including the 2007 Scopus Young Scientist Award (given by Elsevier), the Hiyoshi Environmental Award 2009 (given by Hiyoshi Corporation Japan), the USQ 2017 Research Giant (given by the University of Southern Queensland, Australia), and the Clarivate Analytics India Research Excellence Citation Awards 2019. He has been named "Outstanding Scientist� by CSIR, India. He has received global recognition as the Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021. He has been named to the World's Most Influential Scientific Minds 2014 and 2015 published by Thomson Reuters. He is also listed in Two Categories (Environmental Science & Engineering as well as in Chemical Engineering) among Elsevier's list of most Highly Cited Researchers 2016 developed by ShanghaiRanking for Global Ranking of Academic Subjects. Charles Pittman Jr. Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, USA. Charles U. Pittman Jr. is an emeritus professor in the Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, United States. He is one of the world's premier synthetic materials chemists. His research is highly cited, having spanned the fields of organic, organometallic, polymer, inorganic chemistry, rocket propellant combustion, and composite materials utilizing techniques such as HPLC, GC, TLC, GPC, GCMS, NMR, IR, UV polarimetry, XPS, ISS, TEM/SEM, EXAFS, SANS, USANS, DMA, SAX, and photochemical methods. He has synthesized novel polymers, copolymers, and terpolymers and evaluated their radiation degradation behavior and sensitivity. He has published more than 900 research papers, chapters, and patents; has presented more than 420 invited lectures; and has been supported by NSF, ARO, AFOSR, ONR, PRF, EPA, DOE, NASA, Research Corporation, and numerous private sources. Todd E. Mlsna Full Professor, Department of Chemistry, Mississippi State University, USA. Todd E. Mlsna is a full professor in the Department of Chemistry at Mississippi State University, United States. He graduated with a bachelor's degree from Albion College and a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. From 1994 to 1998, he worked at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, DC, on the development of miniature analytical instrumentation. In 2003, Dr. Mlsna cofounded Seacoast Science where he served as president. He joined Mississippi State University in 2009. His work has been presented in many scientific conferences, and he has published 125 journal papers and book chapters. In 2016, he established Creekside Environmental Products to commercialize environmentally friendly adsorbents and soil amendments developed in his academic laboratory.