Nickel Base Single Crystals Across Length Scales is addresses the most advanced knowledge in metallurgy and computational mechanics and how they are applied to superalloys used as bare materials or with a thermal barrier coating system. Joining both aspects, the book helps readers understand the mechanisms driving properties and their evolution from fundamental to application level. These guidelines are helpful for students and researchers who wish to understand issues and solutions, optimize materials, and model them in a cross-check analysis, from the atomistic to component scale. The book is useful for students and engineers as it explores processing, characterization and design.
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Table of Contents
Part 1: Introduction and Basics
1. Introduction, success in bridging and specific problems
2. Past, present and future of SX superalloys
3. Fundamentals: Thermodynamics and kinetics
4. Elastic properties, tensor properties
5. Microstructure and chemical characterization, (incl. Image Analysis)
6. Mechanical characterization
7. Elementary deformation: High temperature plasticity
8. Elementary damage process: Creep rupture, fatigue initiation, crack propagation
Part 2: Building SX parts
9. Processing (SX, DS), solidification and heat treatment
10. Ageing (microstructure evolution)
11. Refurbishment
12. Coated SX: High temperature and corrosion protection, thermal insulation
Part 3: Appropriate scale modeling, scale bridging methods
13. AM, MD, DFT atomic scale
14. DDD
15. Phase field
16. Crystal plasticity models: Dislocation based�and Phenomenological approach
17. Macroscopic microstructure sensitive mechanical modeling
18. Crystal plasticity and damage at notches and crack tips in single crystal nickel-based alloys
Part 4: Application to engineering cases
19. Finite element implementation of crystal plasticity models in large deformation
20. Complex load spectra including full physical coupling�and integrating advanced assessment procedures into component design (component design and life extension