Mapping and Forecasting Land Use is a valuable guide for graduates, academics and researchers in the fields of geography, geographic information science and land use science who want to effectively apply GIS and remote sensing capabilities to mapping or wider land studies. Researchers in geosciences, environmental science and agriculture will also find this of value in utilising 21st-century technologies in their field.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
Section 1: Theory
2. Land-use changes and Ecosystem Services
3. Future land use/cover changes and participatory planning
4. Earth observation, Land-Use and Land-Cover Mapping and Society
5. Peri-urban land use
6. Advancing land-use modelling requires new data to understand and represent human decision making
7. Forecasting Land-use and land cover change: opening stakeholders' black box
8. Landscape, water, people and climate
9. Drivers of land use changes in Latin America. A review focusing on irrigated drylands
Section 2: Case Studies
10. Land use dynamics on the Tibetan Plateau
11. Cultivation spread into desert land over the last five decades (1972-2020), challenges and choices. A case study surrounding areas of Nile delta
12. Land use management for coastal flooding prevention; a participatory simulation platform applied to Camargue (France)
13. The role of non-farm activities in the transformation of peri-urban landscapes from agricultural to urban landscapes (Greater Copenhagen, Denmark)
14. Setting up a Land Use Cover Change Model for Greater Sydney. Lessons learnt and challenges ahead
15. Land-use change in the touristic city (Lisbon, Portugal)
16. Land use change effects in one UNESCO cultural landscape and future projection (Vi�ales, Cuba)
17. Projections of future land use changes and associated ecosystem services loss in Kolkata megacity region