This study analyzes US demand for gutter and downspout products (also referred to as rainware) by product, market, material, and region. Historical data for 2010, 2015, and 2020 and forecasts for 2025 and 2030 are presented in dollars and in linear feet (excluding hardware and accessories).
Gutter and downspout demand is segmented into the following product categories:
- gutters (seamless and preformed)
- downspouts (seamless and preformed)
- gutter guards
- meshes and screens
- hood and covers
- foams and bristles
- hardware and accessories:
- hardware, including elbows and other connectors, end caps, miters, outlets, brackets, hangers, and straps and other mounting hardware
- accessories, including conductor heads; downspout drain guards, strainers, and extenders; splash guards; rain chains; rainwater harvesting equipment; and deicing systems
For the purposes of this report, gutter guards that are part of one-piece gutter systems are counted as gutters.
The gutter and downspout market segments analyzed are:
- new residential
- residential improvement and repair
- new commercial
- commercial improvement and repair
Excluded from the definition of residential buildings are housing units located in a structure whose primary purpose is something other than habitation. Thus, a small living space contained in a larger retail facility would be classified as part of a retail building and not a residential building.
The gutter and downspout materials addressed in the study are:
- aluminum
- steel
- plastic
- copper, zinc, and other materials, such as wood, fiberglass, concrete (Finlock)
Additionally, demand for gutter and downspout products is broken out for the following US geographic regions and subregions:
- Northeast (Middle Atlantic and New England)
- Midwest (East North Central and West North Central)
- South (South Atlantic, East South Central, and West South Central)
- West (Mountain and Pacific)
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. COVID-19 Pandemic
- Overview
- Impact on the Economy
- Impact on the Construction Industry
- Impact on the Gutters & Downspouts Industry
3. Overview
- Study Scope
- Historical Trends
- Demand by Product (Linear Feet)
- Demand by Product (Dollar Value)
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Material
- Pricing Trends
- Trends in Roof Drainage Systems
- Drainage Functions
- Steep-Slope Drainage
- Flat- & Low-Slope Drainage
- Regulations Impacting Gutter Use
- International Residential Code
- Wildfire Codes
- Rainwater Harvesting Trends
4. Gutters
- Scope & Product Description
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Construction Method (Seamless vs. Preformed)
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Region
- Market Share & Leading Suppliers
5. Downspouts
- Scope & Product Description
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Construction Method (Seamless or Preformed)
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Region
- Market Share & Leading Suppliers
6. Gutter Guards
- Scope & Product Description
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Type (Meshes & Screens, Hoods & Covers, & Foams & Bristles)
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Region
- Market Share & Leading Suppliers
7. Hardware & Accessories
- Scope & Product Description
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Product
- Leading Suppliers
8. Aluminum Gutters & Downspouts
- Product Characteristics
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Region
- Leading Suppliers
9. Steel Gutters & Downspouts
- Product Characteristics
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Region
- Leading Suppliers
10. Plastic Gutters & Downspouts
- Product Characteristics
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Region
- Leading Suppliers
11. Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Materials
- Product Characteristics
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Market
- Demand by Region
- Leading Suppliers
12. Residential Gutters & Downspouts
- Market Scope
- Demand by Application
- New Residential
- Demand Outlook
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Residential Improvement & Repair
- Demand Outlook
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Region
13. Commercial Gutters & Downspouts
- Market Scope
- Demand by Application
- New Commercial
- Demand Outlook
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Commercial Improvement & Repair
- Demand Outlook
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Material
- Demand by Region
14. Regional Trends
- Demand by Region
- Northeast
- Demand Outlook
- New England
- Middle Atlantic
- Midwest
- Demand Outlook
- East North Central
- West North Central
- South
- Demand Outlook
- South Atlantic
- East South Central
- West South Central
- West
- Demand Outlook
- Mountain
- Pacific
15. Key Suppliers & Market Share
- Key Findings & Industry Composition
- Market Share
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- List of Industry Participants
16. Appendix
- Report Details
- Definitions
- Abbreviations
- Study-Specific Methodology
- Sources
- Associations & Agencies
- Related Studies & Reports
- Macroeconomic Assumptions
- Economic Environment
- Demographics
- Building Construction
- Residential Building Construction
- Residential Improvements & Repairs
- Commercial Building Construction
- Commercial Building Improvement & Repairs
- Housing Stock
- Consumer Spending
List of Tables
2. COVID-19 Pandemic
Table 2-1 - Macroeconomic Indicators, 2019 - 2022 (billion 2012 dollars)
Table 2-2 - Construction Expenditures, 2019 - 2022 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
Table 2-3 - Annual Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2019 - 2021 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 2-4 - Annual Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2019 - 2021 (million dollars & million linear feet)
3. Overview
Table 3-1 - Gutter & Downspout Demand, 2000 - 2020 (million dollars)
Table 3-2 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million linear feet)
Table 3-3 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 3-4 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 3-5 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 3-6 - Gutters & Downspouts Pricing, 2010 - 2030 (dollars per linear foot)
4. Gutters
Table 4-1 - Gutter Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 4-2 - Gutter Demand by Construction Method, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 4-3 - Gutter Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 4-4 - Gutter Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
5. Downspouts
Table 5-1 - Downspout Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 5-2 - Downspout Demand by Construction Method, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 5-3 - Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 5-4 - Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
6. Gutter Guards
Table 6-1 - Gutter Guard Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 6-2 - Gutter Guard Demand by Type, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 6-3 - Gutter Guard Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 6-4 - Gutter Guard Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
7. Hardware & Accessories
Table 7-1 - Gutter & Downspout Hardware & Accessories Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-2 - Gutter & Downspout Hardware & Accessories Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-3 - Gutter & Downspout Hardware & Accessories Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
8. Aluminum Gutters & Downspouts
Table 8-1 - Aluminum Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 8-2 - Aluminum Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 8-3 - Aluminum Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
9. Steel Gutters & Downspouts
Table 9-1 - Steel Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 9-2 - Steel Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 9-3 - Steel Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
10. Plastic Gutters & Downspouts
Table 10-1 - Plastic Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 10-2 - Plastic Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 10-3 - Plastic Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
11. Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Materials
Table 11-1 - Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Material Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 11-2 - Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Material Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 11-3 - Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Material Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
12. Residential Gutters & Downspouts
Table 12-1 - Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Application, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-2 - New Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-3 - New Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-4 - Residential Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-5 - Residential Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-6 - Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-7 - Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 12-8 - Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
13. Commercial Gutters & Downspouts
Table 13-1 - Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Application, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-2 - New Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-3 - New Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-4 - Commercial Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-5 - Commercial Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-6 - Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-7 - Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 13-8 - Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
14. Regional Trends
Table 14-1 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars & million linear feet)
Table 14-2 - Northeast Gutter & Downspout Demand by Subregion & Market, 2010 - 2030 (million linear feet & million dollars)
Table 14-3 - Midwest Gutter & Downspout Demand by Subregion & Market, 2010 - 2030 (million linear feet & million dollars)
Table 14-4 - South Gutter & Downspout Demand by Subregion & Market, 2010 - 2030 (million linear feet & million dollars)
Table 14-5 - West Gutter & Downspout Demand by Subregion & Market, 2010 - 2030 (million linear feet & million dollars)
15. Key Suppliers & Market Share
Table 15-1 - US Gutter & Downspout Sales by Company, 2020 (million dollars)
Table 15-2 - Selected Mergers & Acquisitions
Table 15-3 - Selected Industry Participants
16. Appendix
Table 16-1 - US Geographic Regions & Subregions
Table 16-2 - Relevant Industry Codes
Table 16-3 - Relevant HS/HTS Codes
Table 16-4 - Abbreviations & Acronyms Used in Study
Table 16-5 - Macroeconomic Indicators, 2010 - 2030 (billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-6 - Population & Households, 2010 - 2030 (million persons)
Table 16-7 - Building Construction Expenditures, 2010 - 2030 (billion dollars & billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-8 - Residential Building Construction Expenditures, 2010 - 2030 (billion dollars & billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-9 - Residential Improvement & Repair Expenditures, 2010 - 2030 (billion dollars & billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-10 - Commercial Building Construction Expenditures, 2010 - 2030 (billion dollars & billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-11 - Commercial Building Improvement & Repair Expenditures, 2010 - 2030 (billion dollars & billion 2012 dollars)
Table 16-12 - Housing Stock by Type, 2010 - 2030 (million units)
Table 16-13 - Personal Consumption Expenditures, 2010 - 2025 (billion dollars)
List of Figures
1. Executive Summary
Figure 1-1 - US Gutters & Downspouts Market
2. COVID-19 Pandemic
Figure 2-1 - Real GDP by Economic Sector, 2019 - 2022 (% annual change)
Figure 2-2 - Annual Gutter & Downspout Demand Growth, 2018 - 2023 (% annual change)
3. Overview
Figure 3-1 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2009 - 2030 (million linear feet)
Figure 3-2 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Market, 2009- 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 3-3 - Gutter & Downspout Demand by Material, 2009 - 2030 (million dollars)
4. Gutters
Figure 4-1 - Gutter Styles & Characteristics: K-Style, Half-Round, & Box
5. Downspouts
Figure 5-1 - Downspout Configurations by Material
6. Gutter Guards
Figure 6-1 - Gutter Guard Types
7. Hardware & Accessories
Figure 7-1 - Gutter & Downspout Hardware & Accessories
8. Aluminum Gutters & Downspouts
Figure 8-1 - Aluminum Gutter & Downspout Product Characteristics, 2020
9. Steel Gutters & Downspouts
Figure 9-1 - Steel Gutter & Downspout Product Characteristics, 2020
10. Plastic Gutters & Downspouts
Figure 10-1 - Plastic Gutter & Downspout Product Characteristics, 2020
11. Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Materials
Figure 11-1 - Copper, Zinc, & Other Gutter & Downspout Materials: Product Characteristics, 2020
12. Residential Gutters & Downspouts
Figure 12-1 - Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand by Application, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 12-2 - New Residential Gutter & Downspout Demand, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 12-3 - Residential Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand, 2009 - 2030 (million dollars)
13. Commercial Gutters & Downspouts
Figure 13-1 - New Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand, 2009 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 13-2 - Commercial Improvement & Repair Gutter & Downspout Demand, 2009 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 13-3 - Commercial Gutter & Downspout Demand by Product, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
14. Regional Trends
Figure 14-1 - Northeast Gutter & Downspout Market Position
Figure 14-2 - New England: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-3 - Middle Atlantic: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-4 - Midwest Gutter & Downspout Market Position
Figure 14-5 - East North Central: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-6 - West North Central: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-7 - South Gutter & Downspout Market Position
Figure 14-8 - South Atlantic: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-9 - East South Central: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-10 - West South Central: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-11 - West Gutter & Downspout Market Position
Figure 14-12 - Mountain: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
Figure 14-13 - Pacific: Key Factors Impacting Demand for Gutter & Downspout Products
15. Key Suppliers & Market Share
Figure 15-1 - US Gutter & Downspout Market Share by Company, 2020 (billion dollars)
Figure 15-2 - US Gutter & Downspout Market, 2020: Leading Supplier
Figure 15-3 - US Gutter & Downspout Market, 2020: Second Leading Supplier
Figure 15-4 - US Gutter & Downspout Market, 2020: Third Leading Supplier
Figure 15-5 - US Gutter & Downspout Market, 2020: Fourth Leading Supplier
16. Appendix
Figure 16-1 - Housing Stock: Share by Year of Construction, 2020 (million units)