Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure: Neodeterministic (NDSHA) Approach Guarantees Prevention Rather Than Cure communicates in one comprehensive volume the state-of-the-art scientific knowledge on earthquakes and related risks. Earthquakes occur in a seemingly random way and, in some cases, it is possible to trace seismicity back to the concept of deterministic chaos. Therefore, seismicity can be explained by a deterministic mechanism that arises as a result of various convection movements in the Earth's mantle, expressed in the modern movement of lithospheric plates fueled by tidal forces. Consequently, to move from a perspective focused on the response to emergencies to a new perspective based on prevention and sustainability, it is necessary to follow this neodeterministic approach (NDSHA) to guarantee prevention, saving lives and infrastructure.
This book describes in a complete and consistent way an effective explanation to complex structures, systems, and components, and prescribes solutions to practical challenges. It reflects the scientific novelty and promises a feasible, workable, theoretical and applicative attitude.
Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure serves a "commentary role� for developers and designers of critical infrastructure and unique installations. Commentary-like roles follow standard, where there is no standard.
Mega-installations embody/potentiate risks; nonetheless, lack a comprehensive classic standard. Every compound is unique, one of its kind, and differs from others even of similar function. There is no justification to elaborate a common standard for unique entities. On the other hand, these specific installations, for example, NPPs, Naval Ports, Suez Canal, HazMat production sites, and nuclear waste deposits, impose security and safety challenges to people and the environment. The book offers a benchmark for entrepreneurs, designers, constructors, and operators on how to compile diverse relevant information on site-effects and integrate it into the best-educated guess to keep safe and secure, people and environment.
The authors are eager to convey the entire information and explanations to our readers, without missing either accurate information or explanations. That is achieved by "miniaturization,� as much is possible, not minimization.
So far, the neodeterministic method has been successfully applied in numerous metropolitan areas and regions such as Delhi (India), Beijing (China), Naples (Italy), Algiers (Algeria), Cairo (Egypt), Santiago de Cuba (Cuba), Thessaloniki (Greece), South-East Asia (2004), Tohoku, Japan (2011), Albania (2019), Bangladesh, Iran, Sumatra, Ecuador, and elsewhere. Earthquakes and Sustainable Infrastructure includes case studies from these areas, as well as suggested applications to other seismically active areas around the globe. NDSHA approaches confirm/validate that science is looming to warn. Concurrently, leaders and practitioners have to learn to use rectified science in favor of peoples' safety. State-of-the-art science does have the know-how to reduce casualties and structural damage from potential catastrophes to a bearable incident.
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Table of Contents
1. Hazard, risks, and prediction�
Vladimir Kossobokov
2. Seismic hazard assessment from the perspective of disaster prevention�
Jens-Uwe Klugel
3. The view of a structural engineer about reliable seismic hazard assessment
Paolo Rugarli
4. Disaster prediction and civil preparedness�
Efraim Laor and Benedetto De Vivo
5. The integration between seismology and geodesy for intermediate-term narrow-range earthquake prediction according to NDSHA
Mattia Crespi, Vladimir Kossobokov, Antonella Peresan and Giuliano F. Panza
6. Modeling the block-and-fault structure dynamics with application to studying seismicity and geodynamics�
Alexander Soloviev
7. Morphostructural zoning for identifying earthquake-prone areas�
Alexander Gorshkov and Alexander Soloviev
8. Earthquake forecasting and time- dependent neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment in Italy and surroundings�
Antonella Peresan and Leontina Romashkova
9. Spreading NDSHA application from Italy to other areas�
Fabio Romanelli, Giorgio Altin and Maurizio Indirli
10. S-wave velocity pro?ling for site response evaluation in urban areas�
Maria Rosaria Costanzo and Concettina Nunziata
11. A user-friendly approach to NDSHA computations�
Franco Vaccari and Andrea Magrin
12. Recent applications of NDSHA: seismic input for high rise buildings in Egypt's New Administrative Capital�
Mohamed N. Elgabry, Hany M. Hassan and Hesham Hussein
13. Neodeterministic method to assess the seismic performance of water distribution networks�
Gian Paolo Cimellaro, Melissa De Iuliis and Sebastiano Marasco
14. Seismic hazard analysis in a historical context: experience at caltrans and elsewhere�
Lalliana Mualchin
15. Where there is no science
probabilistic hazard assessment in volcanological and nuclear waste settings: facts, needs, and challenges in Italy
Benedetto De Vivo, Efraim Laor and Giuseppe Rolandi
16. Seismic hazard and earthquake engineering for engineering community
Junbo Jia
17. Scenario-based seismic hazard analysis and its applications in the central United States
Zhenming Wang, Seth N. Carpenter and Edward W. Woolery
18. NDSHA achievements in Central and South-eastern Europe�
Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva, Carmen Cio?an, Ivanka Paskaleva and Giuliano F. Panza
19. Application of NDSHA to historical urban areas�
Concettina Nunziata and Maria Rosaria Costanzo
20. Insights from neo-deterministic seismic hazard analyses in Romania�
Carmen Ortanza Cio?an, Elena Florinela Manea and Bogdan Felix Apostol
21. NDSHA in Bulgaria�
Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva, Ivanka Paskaleva and Giuliano F. Panza
22. NDSHA-based vulnerability evaluation of precode buildings in Republic of North Macedonia: Novel
Elena Dumova-Jovanoska and Kristina Milkova
23. Seismic characterization of Tiranae Durr�seLezha region (northwestern Albania) and analysis effort through NSHDA method
Sokol Marku, Rapo Ormeni and Giuliano F. Panza
24. Regional application of the NDSHA approach for continental seismogenic sources in the Iberian Peninsula
Mariano Garc�a-Fern�ndez, Franco Vaccari, Mar�a-Jos� Jim�nez, Andrea Magrin, Fabio Romanelli and Giuliano F. Panza
25. NDSHA applied to China
Yan Zhang, Lihua Fang, Fabio Romanelli,Zhifeng Ding, Shanghua Gao, Changsheng, Jiang and Zhongliang Wu
26. Application of neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment to India�
Imtiyaz A. Parvez
27. Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment for Pakistan�
Farhana Sarwar, Franco Vaccari and Andrea Magrin
28. Neo-deterministic seismic hazard assessment studies for Bangladesh�
Tahmeed M. Al-Hussaini, Ishika N. Chowdhury, Hasan al Faysal, Sudipta Chakraborty, Franco Vaccari, Fabio Romanelli and Andrea Magrin
29. Application of NDSHA at regional and local scale in Iran�
Habib Rahimi and Mehdi Rastgoo
30. Application of neodeterministic seismic hazard analysis to Sumatra�
Irwandi Irwandi