Pipeline Rules of Thumb Handbook: A Manual of Quick, Accurate Solutions to Everyday Pipeline Engineering Problems, Ninth Edition, the latest release in the series, serves as the "go-to" source for all pipeline engineering answers. Updated with new data, graphs and chapters devoted to economics and the environment, this new edition delivers on new topics, including emissions, decommissioning, cost curves, and more while still maintaining the quick answer standard display of content and data that engineers have utilized throughout their careers. Glossaries are added per chapter for better learning tactics, along with additional storage tank and LNG fundamentals.
This book continues to be the high-quality, classic reference to help pipeline engineers solve their day-to-day problems.
Table of Contents
1. General Information
2. Construction
3. Pipe Design
4. Electrical Design
5. Hydrostatic Testing
6. Pipeline Drying
7. Control Valves
8. Corrosion/Coatings
9. Gas-General
10. Gas-Compression
11. Gas-Hydraulics
12. Liquids-General
13. Liquids-Hydraulics
14. Pumps
15. Measurement
16. Instrumentation
17. Inspection, Maintenance, and Risk Evaluation
18. Tanks
19. Economics
20. Costs
21. Safety and Environment