Table of Contents
SECTION I: Component of biological systems 1. Proteomic analysis of cellular systems 2. The protein-coding transcriptome 3. ncRNAs and their targets
SECTION II: Network properties of biological systems 4. Probabilistic functional networks 5. Protein-protein inteactome networks 6. Gene regulatory networks 7. Phenotypic profiling networks 8. Genetic interaction networks 9. Chromatin networks 10. Drug-target networks 11. Graph theory properties of cellular networks
SECTION III: Dynamic and logical propoerties of biological systems 12. Boolean models of cellular networks 13. Bayesian approaches in understanding networks 14. Transcriptional network logic in development 15. Metabolic systems reconstruction 16. Evolution of biological networks 17. Systems understanding of the cell cycle 18. Quantitative design principles on molecular systems 19. Systems biology of signaling 20. Single cell systems dynamics 21. Spatial organization of cellular systems
SECTION IV: Systems and biology 22. Systems understanding of yeast biology 23. Systems understandingof c.elegans development 24. Biological systems in Arabidopsis 25. Biological rhythms in development and hemeostasis 26. System biology of stem cells 27. The brain connectome
SECTION V: MULTISCALE BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS, HEALTH AND ECOLOGY 28. Systems medicine 29. Cancer systems biology 30. Infectious disease and the immune system 31. Network perturbations and disease states 32. Impact of personal genomics on systems biology 33. Social networks, human disease, and epidemics