Encyclopedia of Materials: Technical Ceramics and Glasses, Two Volume Set is an essential resource guide to these incredibly important and versatile materials. The book covers everything from the types, structures, mechanics and properties of ceramics and glasses, to the testing, characterization, modeling and applications of these materials. Important recent developments are also considered, including additive manufacturing methods, polymer derived ceramics, advanced sintering/densification methods, modern analytical and testing methods, and novel applications of ceramics. This expertly-edited collection of articles provides a comprehensive source of high-quality foundational material for students (undergraduate and postgraduate), as well as postdoctoral researchers and those working in Industry (product and process development).
Particular effort has been made to complement and support the 'blended learning' approach championed by both the American and European Ceramic Societies and EU Erasmus programme (EUCERMAT). As such, this encyclopedia is the ideal resource to facilitate collaborative, long distance education in the field.
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Table of Contents
1. Manufacture of Ceramics and Microstructural Development in Ceramics
2. Characterization and Modelling of Ceramics and Glasses
3. Mechanical and Physical Properties and Property Testing of Ceramics and Glasses
4. Electroceramics and Ceramics and Glasses in Energy Generation and Storage
5. Glasses and Glass Ceramics
6. Bioceramics and Bioglasses
7. Oxide Ceramics and Non Oxide Ceramics
8. High Performance Ceramics and Ceramic Composites