Sustainable Design for Renewable Processes: Principles and Case Studies covers the basic technologies to collect and process renewable resources and raw materials and transform them into useful products. Starting with basic principles on process analysis, integration and optimization that also addresses challenges, the book then discusses applied principles using a number of examples and case studies that cover biomass, waste, solar, water and wind as resources, along with a set of technologies including gasification, pyrolysis, hydrolysis, digestion, fermentation, solar thermal, solar photovoltaics, electrolysis, energy storage, etc. The book includes examples, exercises and models using Python, Julia, MATLAB, GAMS, EXCEL, CHEMCAD or ASPEN.
This book shows students the challenges posed by renewable-based processes by presenting fundamentals, case studies and step-by-step analyses of renewable resources. Hence, this is an ideal and comprehensive reference for Masters and PhD students, engineers and designers.
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Table of Contents
Section 1: Design Principles1. Principles of renewable base process design2. Sustainability assessment: Social and environmental
Section 2: Raw materials3. Raw materials and resources: Characterization and availability
Section 3: Biomass and waste-based processes4. Thermochemcial processes5. Hydrolysis based processes6. Anaerobic digestion7. Platform chemicals8. Added value products
Section 4: Solar technologies9. Solar thermal energy10. Solar Photovoltaic
Section 5: Wind based processes11. Wind energy: Collection and transformation
Section 6: Geothermal processes12. Geothermal energy
Section 7: Water as energy resource13. Water
Section 8: Integration of resources14. Renewable based power plants15. Energy storage