This seminar will demonstrate how Covered Entities and Business Associates can comply calmly, confidently, and completely with the HIPAA Rules.
The secret is - HIPAA Rules are easy and routine to follow - when you know the steps.
Paul Hales will capture your attention with visual presentations and interactive learning exercises that take the mystery and fear out of HIPAA Compliance.
And every audited Covered Entity knew well in advance that it was on the shortlist to be audited, had completed pre-audit questionnaires, and knew the exact questions it would be asked and documentation to be provided (audit protocols).
The secret is - HIPAA Rules are easy and routine to follow - when you know the steps.
Paul Hales will capture your attention with visual presentations and interactive learning exercises that take the mystery and fear out of HIPAA Compliance.
Why you should attend
Organizations of all types and sizes continue to struggle needlessly with HIPAA Compliance. For example, HIPAA Risk Analysis - Risk Management is the basis of the HIPAA Compliance Program of every Covered Entity and Business Associate. But mandatory HIPAA Compliance Audits conducted by the Office for Civil Rights (OCR), the HIPAA enforcement arm of the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), found 94% of Covered Entities failed the Risk Management Audit and 87% failed the Risk Analysis Audit.And every audited Covered Entity knew well in advance that it was on the shortlist to be audited, had completed pre-audit questionnaires, and knew the exact questions it would be asked and documentation to be provided (audit protocols).
- Thorough Understanding of HIPAA Rules
- What they are
- How they work together
- Why and How they were made
- How they are changing and what to expect next
- HIPAA Risk Analysis - Risk Management for Your Organization
- A Practical Guided Exercise is done in class on your computer to take home
- Privacy and Security Rules - Permitted and Required Uses and Disclosures
- What information must be protected
- Administrative, Technical, and Physical Safeguards
- Social Media, Texting, and Emailing Patients
- The inter-connected, inter-dependent relationship of Covered Entities and Business Associates
- Business Associate HIPAA compliance responsibilities
- The importance of Due Diligence and how to do it
- How to avoid making a Business Associate your Agent by mistake
- The chain of responsibility from Covered Entity to Business Associate to Subcontractor Business Associate, etc.
- Business Associate responsibilities for Subcontractor Business Associates
- Breach Notification discovery and reporting by Business Associates and Subcontractor Business Associates
- What is - and what is not a Reportable Breach of Unsecured PHI
- Potential Breach Investigation - Breach Exceptions
- Ransomware
- Breach Risk Assessment
- Breach Prevention
Paul R. Hales, J.D. is widely recognized for his expert knowledge and ability to explain the HIPAA Rules clearly in plain language. Paul is an attorney licensed to practice before the Supreme Court of the United States and a graduate of Columbia University Law School with an international practice in HIPAA privacy and security. He is the author of all content in The HIPAA E-Tool®, an Internet-based, complete HIPAA compliance solution with separate editions for Covered Entities, Business Associates, Health Plans and Third Party Administrators.Who Should Attend
- Health Care Practice and Business Associate Owners
- Chief Executive Officer
- Chief Operating Officer
- Chief Compliance Officer
- Chief Information Officer
- Chief Information Security Officer
- Compliance Official
- Risk Management Director
- HIPAA Compliance Official
- HIPAA Privacy Officer
- HIPAA Security Officer
- Information Technology Supervisor
- General Counsel - Associate General Counsel
- Attorney
- Certified Public Accountant