Electrochemical Nano-biosensors: Applications in Diagnostics, Therapeutics, Environment, and Food Management features a critical overview of different, recently reported nanomaterial-based electrochemical sensing and biosensing strategies. It is based on various analytical approaches for the point-of-care or POC healthcare related diagnostics, evaluation of contaminants, additives and adulterants in foods and environment management. Each section under the topic is discussed in its exhaustive detail, incorporating significant literature reviews spanning over two decades. The book critically analyzes issues and challenges for its applications in real world settings, universal applicability in resource limited sets-ups of remote areas, ease of integration with other sensing platforms, portability/miniaturization, and more.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Types of Electrochemical Immunosensors based on electric signals
3. Types of Electrochemical Immunosensors Based on different Nanomaterials
4. Nanomaterial-based enzyme electrodes for food quality assessment
5. Electrochemical immunosensing for the assessment of circulating biomarkers
6. Microfluidic Devices assisted cancer biomarkers detection
7. Nucleic acid based Electrochemical Genosensing of Circulating Biomarkers
8. Electrochemical sensing of breast cancer biomarkers
9. Electrochemical biosensing of gene-specific mutations and miRNAs associated with breast cancer in biofluids
10. Electrochemical Aptasensors for breast cancer protein circulating biomarkers
11. Electrochemical immunosensing of circulating protein biomarkers
12. Electrochemical peptide-biosensor for the detection of circulating breast cancer protein biomarkers
13. Electrochemical biosensing for multiple determination of circulating breast cancer biomarkers
14. Biomarkers for Cardiovascular disease
15. Diabetes
16. Genetic disorder
17. Viral disease biomarkers
18. Electrochemical genosensing of biomarkers for viral infections
19. Electrochemical genosensors for the neurodegenerative disease biomarkers
20. Electrochemical genosensors for bacterial infection biomarkers
21. Nanomaterial based electrochemical immunosensing of infectious pathogens in liquid biopsies
22. Infectious dose (Bacteria and viruses)
23. Conclusions
24. Future perspective