Rainfall: Physical Process, Measurement, Data Analysis and Usage in Hydrological Investigations integrates different rainfall perspectives, from droplet formation and modeling developments to the experimental measurements and their analysis, to application in surface and subsurface hydrological investigations. Each chapter provides an updated representation of the involved subject with relative open problems and includes a case study at the end of the chapter. The book targets postgraduate readers studying meteorology, civil and environmental engineering, geophysics, agronomy and natural science, as well as practitioners working in the fields of hydrology, hydrogeology, agronomy and water resource management.
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Table of Contents
Section I Representation of Rainfall Formation and Development
1. Rainfall Microphysics
2. Meteorological Systems Producing Rainfall
3. Rainfall Modeling
Section II Measurement and Determination of Rainfall
4. Rain Gauge Network Design
5. Rainfall Estimation by Meteorological Radars
6. Rainfall Estimation by Satellites
Section III Rainfall Data Analysis
7. Time Resolution of Rain Gauge Data and its Hydrological Role
8. Mean Areal Precipitation Estimation: Issues and Methods
9. Intensity-Duration-Frequency-Curves
10. Analysis of Extreme Rainfall Events and Climatic Change
11. Rainfall Regionalization Techniques
Section IV Rainfall in the Hydrological Modeling
12. Rainfall and Flood Development
13. Rainfall and Groundwater Flow
14. Rainfall and Landslides Development
15. Rainfall and Droughts