Membrane Engineering in the Circular Economy: Renewable Sources Valorization in Energy and Downstream Processing in Agro-food Industry describes the modification of the general concept of "waste," including waste valorization as added-value products that are useful for energy production and biotechnology industries. Speaking to the relevance of this new vision, the book highlights the fundamentals of membrane operations in the exploitation of renewable sources for energy production and the valorization of agro-food waste at the industrial level.� This book is an excellent resource for researchers, biologists, membranologists and engineers in chemistry, biochemical engineering, food sciences and the agro-food refinery industry.
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Table of Contents
Section I: Membrane engineering and renewable energy in the circular economy
1. Introduction to the fundamentals of the membrane engineering
2. The impact of membrane engineering in the circular economy
3. The zero-waste economy: From food waste to industry
4. Renewable sources to bio-refineries, biomass conversion and membrane technology�
5. Circular economy in selected wastewater treatment techniques
6. Bio-methane and food grade CO2 from biogas via membrane separation
7. Hydrogen economy and bio-ethanol exploitation: The role of membrane reactor technology and the competition between food and energy
Section II: Membrane separation technology in agro-food downstream processing
8. Agro-food wastes: New sources of antioxidants
9. Membrane-based bio-refinery in agro-food wastewaters processing
10. Pressure-driven membrane processes for the recovery of antioxidants from winery wastewaters
11. Recovery of bioactive compounds from dairy processing by-products
12. Recovery of water-soluble dietary fiber components from cereal processing by-products
13. Valorisation of citrus by-products by membrane processes
14. Valorisation of Phenolic Extracts from Olea europaea L. by membrane operations
15. Membrane distillation and pervaporation technology in bio-refinery
16. Seafood processing by-products by membrane processes
17. Sustainable use of tomato pomace for the production of high added value food, feed and nutraceutical products.
Section III: Case studies
18. Advanced membrane-based process for biogas up-grading produced by a real bio-digester in south of Italy
19. Food engineering for industrial biogas production in Austria:�A case study
20. Sustainable and green bio-ethanol extraction from sugar juice for biofuel production via membrane engineering�
21. Total discharge of olive mill waste waters to produce bioactive animal feed for feeding productive animals, to improve animal welfare and produce high added value bio-functional livestock products
22.�Natural convection heat transfer during radio frequency thawing
23. Silica derivatives in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, luxury and food industries
Adolfo Iulianelli Degree in Chemical Engineering, University of Calabria, Italy. Adolfo Iulianelli, Degree in Chemical Engineering in 2002 at University of Calabria (Italy), obtained his PhD Degree in Chemical and Materials Engineering in 2006 at University of Calabria (Italy). Nowadays, he is working at the Institute on Membrane Technology of the National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ITM). He is author or co-author of more than 50 international articles (ISI), 1 patent, more than 50 contributes as oral and poster presentations in national and international conferences, more than 20 book chapters. Furthermore, he is Reviewer of more than 20 international ICI journals, Invited Speaker in more than 5 international conferences, training school, etc. Subject Editor of the Scientific World Journal, Guest Editor for the International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (ICI) and Journal of Membrane Science and Technology and Associate Editor of International Journal of Membrane Science and Technology. His research interests are membrane reactors, fuel cells, gas separation, hydrogen production from reforming reactions of renewable sources through inorganic membrane reactors and membrane operations. His h-index is 22 (source: Alfredo Cassano Senior Researcher, Institute on Membrane Technology of the Italian National Research Council, ITM-CNR, University of Calbria, Rende, Italy. Alfredo Cassano, a Biologist, is senior Researcher at ITM-CNR since 2000. He has a long experience in the field of membrane science and technology with research expertise including pressure-driven membrane processes, membrane contactors and integrated membrane operations mainly applied to wastewater treatments and agro-food productions.Cassano also prepared 4 special issues on membrane science and technology for 3 international journals (Membranes, Foods and Journal of Membrane Science and Research). He is involved as scientific responsible or main investigator in different national projects with both Italian Ministry of Education, University & Research and private companies and international projects funded by EU. He has been tutoring of 28 Thesis for master and Ph.D. students at ITM-CNR. Carmela Conidi Researcher, Institute on Membrane Technology of the Italian National Research Council, ITM-CNR, University of Calbria, Rende, Italy. Carmela Conidi, Master Degree in Pharmacy at the University of Calabria (Italy) and PhD degree in methodologies for the development of molecules of pharmacological interest at the same university.
She performed her post-doctoral activity as visiting researcher at the "Instituto Universitario de Ingenieria de Alimentos para el Desarrollo ", University Polytechnic of Valencia (November 2011-May 2012; November 2012 -May 2013).
Nowadays, she is researcher at the Institute on Membrane Technology of the Italian National Research Council (CNR-ITM). Since 2005, her research activities focus on membrane science and technology in the field of pressure-driven membrane operations, membrane contactors and sustainable integrated membrane systems mainly applied to the clarification and concentration of fruit juices, treatment of industrial wastewaters, water purification and in the recovery of high added value compounds from agro-food products and by-products.
C.C. is author or co-author of more than 50 scientific contributions as international peer reviewed articles in ISI journals (h-index =22, Scopus database), 14 peer reviewed book chapters, and several contributions at National and International Conferences.
C.C. is Reviewer of different international ISI journals (Journal of Food Engineering, Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Membrane Science, Food and BioProducts Processing, etc.), co-editor of special Issue as well as Member of the Organizing of International Conferences and she made several presentations (also as invited and keynote lecture) in National and International Conferences. Konstantinos Petrotos Professor, Food and Agricultural products processing in Bio-systems Engineering Dept. of Technological Educational Institute of Larissa-School of Agricultural Technology, Larissa, Greece. Konstantinos Petrotos, Master Degree in Chemical Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, specialisation in Food Engineering & Technology (Ph.D. thesis title: The study of concentration of tomato juice by using direct osmosis membrane technology) at the same university. Nowadays, he is Professor of Food and Agricultural products processing in Bio-systems Engineering Dept. of Technological Educational Institute of Larissa-School of Agricultural Technology (Larissa, Greece) and Head of the Food and Biosystems Engineering Laboratory, Department of Biosystems Engineering of the Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly in Larissa, (Greece). K.P. is author or co-author of more than 90 scientific contributions as international peer reviewed articles in ISI journals (44 article and chapter publications; h-index = 14, Scopus database), chapters, and proceedings of National and International Conferences. Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Hellenic Association of Food Technologists, Greek Society of Agronomist Food Technologist, and Greek Association of Chemical Engineers, K.P. is President of the International Conference FaBE and Reviewer for international scientific journals (Journal of Membrane Science, Journal of Food Science and Engineering, Desalination etc.) as well as Editorial Board member of Journal of Food Science and Engineering and Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Food and Biosystems Engineering.
His research interests are Application of Membrane Technology in Food processing and in agricultural and food wastes; Osmotic Techniques; Nano- and Micro-encapsulation of bioactive physical substances and use of them in Food and Pharmaceutical Industry; Food and Agricultural products drying technologies; Novel techniques for food preservation (high pressure processing and pulsing electric field applications).