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The Global Market for Alternative and Renewable Fuels

  • Report

  • 233 Pages
  • November 2021
  • Region: Global
  • Future Markets, Inc
  • ID: 5483340

The sustainability of petroleum-based fuel supply has gained broad attention from the global community due to the increase of usage in various sectors, depletion of petroleum resources, and uncertainty around crude oil market prices

The sustainability of petroleum-based fuel supply has gained broad attention from the global community due to the increase of usage in various sectors, depletion of petroleum resources, and uncertainty around crude oil market prices. Additionally, environmental problems have also been flagged from the increasing emissions of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gases. Therefore, the use of clean energy sources is crucial. Sustainable, Alternative and Renewable Fuels include bio-fuels, bio-diesel, renewable diesel,  sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs), biogas, electrofuels (e-fuels), green ammonia based on utilization of:

  • First-Generation Feedstocks (food-based) e.g. Waste oils including used cooking oil, animal fats, and other fatty acids.
  • Second-Generation Feedstocks (non-food based) e.g. Lignocellulosic wastes and residues, Energy crops, Agricultural residues, Forestry residues, Biogenic fraction of municipal and industrial waste.
  • Third-Generation Feedstocks e.g. algal biomass
  • Fourth-Generation Feedstocks e.g. genetically modified (GM) algae and cyanobacteria.

Report contents include:

  • Market trends and drivers
  • Market challenges
  • Market analysis including key players, end use markets, production processes, costs, production capacities, market demand for biofuels, bio-jet fuels, biodiesel, renewable diesel, biogas, electrofuels, green ammonia and other relevant technologies. 
  • Industry developments 2020-2021.
  • 95 companies profiled include BTG Bioliquids, Byogy Renewables, Caphenia, Enerkem, Eni S.p.A., Ensyn, FORGE Hydrocarbons Corporation, Genecis Bioindustries, Gevo, Haldor Topsoe, Steeper Energy,  SunFire GmbH, Vertus Energy and many more. 

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Table of Contents

1 Research Methodology

2 Executive Summary
2.1 Market Drivers
2.2 Definitions of Advanced, Alternative and Renewable Fuels
2.3 Market Challenges

3 Industry Developments 2020-2021

4 Biofuels
4.1 Feedstocks
4.1.1 First-Generation Feedstocks Waste Fats, Oils, and Greases
4.1.2 Second-Generation Feedstocks Lignocellulosic Wastes and Residues Energy Crops Agricultural Residues Forestry Residues Biogenic Fraction of Municipal and Industrial Waste
4.1.3 Third-Generation Feedstocks Algal Biofuels
4.1.4 Fourth-Generation Feedstocks
4.2 Production Processes by Generation
4.3 Bioethanol
4.4 Bio-Jet (Bio-Aviation) Fuels
4.4.1 Description
4.4.2 Sustainable Aviation Fuels Market
4.4.3 Feedstocks Waste Fats, Oils, and Greases Lignocellulosic Wastes and Residues
4.4.4 Production Pathways Hefa Bio-Jets Ft Fuels Sip Fuels Atj Fuels
4.4.5 Costs
4.4.6 Biojet Fuel Production Capacities
4.4.7 Challenges
4.4.8 Market Demand Forecast in Litres and $
4.5 Biomass-Based Diesel
4.5.1 Biodiesel Introduction Production Capacities
4.5.2 Renewable Diesel Feedstocks Production Production Capacities Market Growth
4.6 Syngas
4.7 Biogas
4.8 Biomethanol
4.9 Biobutanol
4.10 Biofuel Challenges
4.11 Companies

5 Electrofuels (E-Fuels)
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Benefits of E-Fuels
5.2 Feedstocks
5.2.1 Hydrogen Electrolysis
5.2.2 Co2 Capture
5.3 Electrolysers
5.3.1 Commercial Alkaline Electrolyser Cells (Aecs)
5.3.2 Pem Electrolysers
5.3.3 High-Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cells (Soecs) Syngas Production Companies
5.3.4 Electrolysis for Power-To-X
5.4 Direct Air Capture (Dac)
5.4.1 Markets for Dac
5.4.2 Costs
5.4.3 Challenges
5.4.4 Companies and Technologies
5.4.5 Co2 Capture from Point Sources
5.5 Production Routes
5.6 Costs
5.7 Estimate Market Demand for E-Fuels
5.8 Market Challenges
5.9 Companies

6 Green Ammonia
6.1 Production
6.1.1 Decarbonisation of Ammonia Production
6.1.2 Green Ammonia Demonstration Plants
6.2 Green Ammonia Synthesis Methods
6.2.1 Haber-Bosch Process
6.2.2 Biological Nitrogen Fixation
6.2.3 Electrochemical Production
6.2.4 Chemical Looping Processes
6.3 Markets and Applications
6.3.1 Chemical Energy Storage and Transporation Ammonia Fuel Cells
6.3.2 Thermal Energy Storage
6.3.3 Transport Fuel
6.3.4 Marine Fuel
6.4 Costs
6.5 Companies

7 Company Profiles (95 Company Profiles)

8 References

List of Tables
Table 1. Market Drivers for Alternative and Biofuels
Table 2. Types of Advanced, Alternative and Renewable Fuels
Table 3. Market Challenges for Alternative and Bio-Fuels
Table 4. Industry Developments in Alternative and Bio-Fuels 2020-2021
Table 5. Biofuels Summary
Table 6. Feedstock Conversion Pathways
Table 7. Operating and Planned Lignocellulosic Biorefineries
Table 8. Lignocellulosic Ethanol Plants and Capacities
Table 9. Yield of Algae and Other Biodiesel Crops
Table 10. Biofuel Production Processes
Table 11. Biofuel Production Facilities Using Organic Wastes
Table 12. Advantages and Disadvantages of Biojet Fuel
Table 13. Feedstocks for Bio-Jet Fuel Production
Table 14. Production Pathways for Bio-Jet Fuel
Table 15. Current and Announced Biojet Fuel Facilities and Capacities
Table 16. Preparation and Production of Biodiesel Using Different Methods
Table 17. Biodiesel Production Capacities
Table 18. Challenges for Biofuels
Table 19. Bio-Fuel Producers
Table 20. Overview of E-Fuels
Table 21. Markets for Dac
Table 22. Cost Estimates of Dac
Table 23. Dac Technology Developers and Production
Table 24. E-Fuels Companies
Table 25. Green Ammonia Demonstration Plantsgreen Ammonia Demonstration Plants
Table 26. Summary of Marine Alternative Fuels
Table 27. Main Players in Green Ammonia
Table 28. Granbio Nanocellulose Processes

List of Figures
Figure 1. Saf Demand Forecast, Billion Litres to
Figure 2. Saf Demand Forecast, Billion $ to
Figure 3. Biodiesel Market Forecasts To2031
Figure 4. Renewable Diesel Produciton Capacities
Figure 5. Renewable Diesel Market Forecast to
Figure 6. Process Steps in the Production of Electrofuels
Figure 7. Schematic of Electrofuel Production
Figure 8. Schematic of Climeworks Dac System
Figure 9. E-Liquids Production Routes
Figure 10. Fischer-Tropsch Liquid E-Fuel Products
Figure 11. Resources Required for Liquid E-Fuel Production
Figure 12. Liquid Hydrocarbon E-Fuel Costs (Min/Max)
Figure 13. Cost Breakdown for E-Fuels
Figure 14. Estimated Market Demand for E-Fuels
Figure 15. E-Fuels Final Efficiency in Engines
Figure 16. Green Ammonia Production and Use
Figure 17. Schematic of Green Ammonia Production
Figure 18. Applications of Green Ammonia
Figure 19. Estimated Market Demand for Green Ammonia to
Figure 20. Cutlery Samples (Spoon, Knife, Fork) Made of Nano Cellulose and Biodegradable Plastic Composite Materials

