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Transcultural Midwifery Practice. Concepts, Care and Challenges

  • Book

  • May 2022
  • Elsevier Health Science
  • ID: 5483963

With increasing diversity in the UK's childbearing population and ongoing racial disparities in maternal health outcomes, this new title will help both students and practising midwives provide care that meets the needs of childbearing women and birthing people from different cultural backgrounds.

The book lays the foundations for exploration of the many manifestations of transcultural care and how it relates to women, their families and societies. It covers everything that midwives need to know in order to be sensitive to and aware of cultural differences, needs and preferences during pregnancy and childbirth, ultimately enabling them to provide better care for all.

Written by senior midwifery lecturer Sarah Esegbona-Adeigbe, an experienced practitioner in ethnic minority health, high risk pregnancy and the socio-cultural context of women's healthcare, Transcultural care in midwifery practice is destined to become a core text in midwifery courses.

  • Covers main cultural competency models and how to apply cultural competency and cultural safety concepts to individual women
  • Provides an overview of different cultures and religions to support cultural awareness and sensitivity
  • Addresses barriers and ethical issues in midwifery care and how to mitigate them
  • Packed with scenarios, case studies and activities to support learning
  • Reflective activities in each chapter to reinforce cultural concepts

Table of Contents

  1. Transcultural concepts in midwifery- The root of transcultural care is the underlying theories, models and research which the midwife needs to know to practice effectively. This chapter provides an overview of the key concepts of culture, cultural competency and cultural safety. These concepts will be related to midwifery care and provide specific information on how they relate to culturally diverse groups. The impact of immigration and acculturation will be included and how this may impact on childbearing women and their families. This chapter will provide this information in a practical and realistic way that will appeal to the midwife and encourage critical thinking of these concepts and illuminate the context of culture.

  2. Transcultural midwifery care- A key skill for a midwife is to transverse cultures and provide care that is culturally sensitive and inclusive. This chapter provides information on working with a culturally diverse childbearing population and provides an overview of how women's beliefs and values can affect how they deal with pregnancy and ill health. The application of cultural competency and cultural safety in midwifery care provision will explored and how this may be affected by professional and organisational culture. The reader will be provided with the underpinning philosophy, values and beliefs and global perspectives of midwifery care with different cultures.

  3. Transcultural communication- Communicating across cultures requires adopting a shared language but also considering the woman's context. Throughout this chapter the reader is encouraged to examine the basis of effective communication and the importance of communication with a culturally diverse child bearing population. Exploration of effective versus ineffective communication will assist the reader in viewing how this may impact on midwifery care.

  4. Challenges in transcultural midwifery- Caring for woman from different cultures can lead to barriers to effective care. These barriers are not insurmountable and should be recognised and solutions found. This chapter will explore the challenges that commonly arise during midwifery practice. An exploration of the multidimensional viewpoint of the woman will be provided and how this can be accommodated within the parameters of safe midwifery practice.

  5. Ethical issues in transcultural midwifery- This chapter will provide an overview of the main ethical principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence and trust. The issues of empathy, respect and informed choice when caring for a culturally diverse childbearing population will be explored. Consideration of how the midwife or organisation should choose between alternatives if there is conflict between the woman's culture and the professional/organisational culture will be included.?

  6. Stories from practicing midwives and childbearing people


Sarah Esegbona-Adeigbe Senior Midwifery Lecturer- London South Bank University. Sarah works as a senior midwifery lecturer and teaches undergraduate and postgraduate students. She has published papers on culture, black African women and pregnancy, sickle cell anaemia and FGM. Her MSc thesis was an innovation project resulting in the creation of a toolkit on the culture of black African women during pregnancy. In Sarah's former role as a RCN midwifery forum committee member she also contributed to RCN guidance on FGM. Her specialist areas are ethnic minority health, high risk pregnancy and the socio-cultural context of women's healthcare. Sarah has published several papers in this area in peer reviewed journals and self-published a book on Black African Culture and Childbirth