Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors is the third volume in the JSME Series on Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, which presents a comprehensive view of the latest research and activities from around the globe. Volume Editors Masaki Morishita and Hiroyuki Ohshima, along with their team of expert contributors, combine their knowledge and experience to provide a solid understanding of the history of SFRs and work carried out in Japan to date. This book uniquely includes case studies from these global regions to highlight SFR uses, benefits and challenges, focusing on their safety, design, operation, and maintenance.
Unique to this publication, the JSME cover key technological advances which will shape power generation of the future, including developments in the use of AI for design. Drawing on their unique experience, the authors pass on lessons learned and best practices to support professionals and researchers in their development and design of this advanced reactor type.
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Experimental Reactor Joyo
3. Prototype Reactor Monju
4. Demonstration Plant Design Study
5. Key Technologies for Future SFRs
Masaki Morishita Fast Reactor Cycle System Research and Development Center, Sector of Fast Reactor and Advanced Reactor Research and Development, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan. Dr. Masaki Morishita is a senior consulting engineer with Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and has almost 40 years' experience in R&D related to high temperature structural design and seismic design of Sodium Fast Reactors mechanical components.He also has been active in the nuclear codes and standards development activities both in JSME and ASME for more than 20 years. He is a past Chair of JSME Main Committee on Power Generation Facility Codes, and is also a past chair of Subgroup High Temperature Reactors of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III.
He is a fellow of both JSME and ASME. Hiroyuki Ohshima Executive Board Director, Director General of Research and Development Sector for Fast Reactor and Advanced Reactor, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan. Mr. Hiroyuki Ohshima is an executive board director of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. As a researcher, he has more than 30 years of experience in research and development related to thermal-hydraulic issues and safety specific to sodium-cooled fast reactors after graduating from the University of Tokyo Graduate School. He also has been committed to the JSME and AESJ activities; he is a past chair of the planning committee of Power and Energy Systems Division of JSME and currently he is the chair of subcommittee on thermal hydraulics of AESJ. He is a fellow of JSME.