Forest Microbiology, Volume Two: Forest Tree Health highlights a range of emerging microbial phytopathogens of forest trees, along with novel approaches for managing tree pests and diseases in a changing climate. The book provides an overview of selected microbial pathogens of forest trees, with an emphasis on their biology, lifecycle, spreading mechanisms, impact on affected tree species and current and prospective control strategies. At the same time, the impact of tree microbiomes on host fitness is discussed. Beneficial components of tree microbiota are presented, along with their functional role in tree nutrition, immunity and disease resistance.
In addition, this volume addresses the many functions of microbial disease agents of trees including fungi, bacteria, viruses and phytoplasma. Strong emphasis is placed on the genetics, biochemistry, physiology, evolutionary biology and population dynamics of the microorganisms involved. This title is a key resource for foresters and forest pathology practitioners, as well as plant biologists.
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Table of Contents
Part I: Basis of tree pathology
1. Basic concept and principles of forest pathology
2. Diagnostic tools and techniques in tree pathology
Part II: Tree health: Global perspectives
3. Forest diversity and productivity: Implications for forest health in future climates
4. Globalization, invasive forest pathogen species, and forest tree health
5. Abiotic factors affecting forest tree health
6. Climate change and forest health: Detecting dieback hotspots
7. Ecological, evolutionary, and societal impacts of invasions by emergent forest pathogens
8. Population dynamics of forest tree pathogens
9. Modeling forest disturbance and tree disease dynamics
Part III:�Basis and principles of tree disease resistance breeding
10. Resistance breeding against tree pathogens
Part IV: Foliage (including Needles) Pathogens of trees (case examples)
11. Dothistroma needle blight disease
12. Rust diseases of forest trees
13. Ash dieback
14. Temperate oak declines: Biotic and abiotic predisposition factors
Part V: Stem and shoot pathogens of trees (case examples)
15. Rapid Ohia Death in Hawaii
16. Dutch elm diseas
17. Diseases of chestnut trees
18. Pine pitcher cancker (PPC): An introduction, an overview
Part VI: Root diseases (pathogens) (case examples)
19. Heterobasidion annosum s.l.: Biology, genomics, and pathogenicity factors
20. Armillaria root disease of diverse trees in wide-spread gloabl regions
21. Phytophthora diseases
Part VII: Beneficial microbes (mycorrhiza, saprotrophs)
22. Mycorrhizas: Role in N and P cyclcing and nutrition of forest trees
Part VII: Management of forest tree diseases
23. Forest free disease control and management