Due to rapid urbanization and development, water get polluted by the noxious waste released from industrial, sewage and agricultural runoffs. Sustainable Materials for Sensing and Remediation of Noxious Pollutants covers two most widely used aspects in the field of wastewater i.e. sensing and rapid remediation with a possible solution of successful technology commercialization.
Chapters include information on low cost materials as sensing and remediating agents for the rapid removal of noxious impurities from wastewater. It includes chapters on the sensing of noxious metals, low cost adsorbents for the removal of noxious impurities i.e. inorganic (metal ions) and organic (dyes). Additional chapters include future/upcoming scopes of work and one chapter on the general introduction of the field. The book content will be technical and focused for the audience like graduate students, academicians, researchers and industrial professionals.
Sustainable Materials for Sensing and Remediation of Noxious Pollutants is single reference source for environmental scientists and engineers interested in low cost sensing and remediation strategies.
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Table of Contents
Part 1. Introduction to the general aspects of sensing and remediation materials
Part 2. Synthesis of sensing material for the detection of Macrocyclic and Rotaxanes
Part 3. Sensor material for detection of noxious metal impurities
Part 4. Conducting polymer based sensing materials for water treatment
Part 5. Graphene oxide nanocomposite for the remediation of micropollutants (Pharmaceutical Impurities and Metal Ions)
Part 6. Low cost adsorbents (Biomaterials, nanomaterials, waste materials) for the remediation of noxious pollutants (inorganic and organic) from wastewater
Part 7. Outlook of Industries and their expectations in terms of cost-economics and societal benefits
Inderjeet Tyagi Scientist, ZSI, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Kolkata, India. Dr. Inderjeet Tyagi is working as a Scientist at ZSI, Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change, Kolkata, India. To his expertise, Dr. Tyagi is working in the field of Wastewater treatment, Water Quality, Environmental Metagenomics, and Environmental Management for the past several years. To his credit, Dr. Tyagi had published 120+ SCI papers with Citation~8600 and an h-index of 51 with a cumulative impact factor >550. More to this, he is leading Five (5) national and international projects related to wastewater and water quality assessment in heavily polluted areas in India. Further, he is also on the reviewer panel of more than 40 international journals belonging to well-known publishers like Elsevier, Nature, Springer Nature, Taylor Francis, ACS, etc. Recently, he was awarded the "India Prime Education Quality Award 2021� for his outstanding contribution to the field of wastewater treatment and Environmental Management. He is a lifetime member of the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA) and a Member of the International Society of Wetland Scientists (International Chapter). He is the Editor of One Elsevier edited book entitled "Sustainable Materials for Sensing and Remediation of Noxious Pollutants� Joanna Goscianska Associate Professor, Faculty of Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz, University in Poznan (AMU), Poland. Prof. Dr. Joanna Goscianska is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (AMU). She obtained a Master's degree in 2005, a doctoral degree in 2009, and habilitation in 2019, in the field of chemistry. During her PhD studies, she participated in three research internships at Laboratoire Catalyse & Spectrochimie in Caen (France) and later at the University of Alicante (Spain). She received a number of prestigious awards, including MAXIMA CUM LAUDE (2005), the scholarship of the city of Poznan for young researchers (2010), scholarship for outstanding young scientists awarded by the Minister of Science and Higher Education (2016-2019), team awards of the Rector of AMU for achievements in scientific (2014-2018), didactic (2014) and organizational work (2014). In 2018, she became a laureate of the habilitation fellowship "L'OR�AL-UNESCO FOR WOMEN IN SCIENCE�. Her principal interest is focused on synthesis, modification, characterization of porous materials (e.g., metal oxides, ordered mesoporous silica and carbons, metal-organic frameworks) and their application in adsorption processes, catalysis, and drug delivery systems. She is co-author of 73 papers in journals from the Journal Citation Reports database, 1 book, 9 book chapters, 22 post-conference proceedings, and 170 presentations at international and national conferences. Mohammad Hadi Dehghani Professor, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Tehran, Iran. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Hadi Dehghani is a Full Professor at the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), School of Public Health, Department of Environmental Health Engineering, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran. His scientific research interest includes environmental science. He is an editorial board member, guest editor, and reviewer in many internal and international journals and is a member of several international science committees around the world. He has authored or edited 16 books and more than 230 full papers published in peer-reviewed journals. Rama Rao Karri Professor, Faculty of Engineering, University of Technology of Brunei, India.Dr. Rama Rao Karri is a professor (senior assistant) in the Faculty of Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Brunei. He has over 18 years of experience in academia, industry, and research. He has published 200+ research articles in reputed journals, book chapters, and conference proceedings.