Power Electronics for Solar and Wind Energy ConversionSystems is a comprehensive compilation of important developments from a holistic viewpoint that considers power electronics, machines, control and mechanical systems. The study of power electronics and its integration in different applications is covered through tutorials, exercises and simulation examples that help identify real-time, solution-based models on the proposed converter and controller designs for renewable energy sources. A comprehensive chapter is devoted to explaining controller design for power electronics systems and power converters design, providing engineers and researchers in all areas of power and renewable engineering the most advanced knowledge needed.
Table of Contents
Part I: Basic Concepts1. Production to renewable energies.2. Power electronics Devices3. Controller Design for Power Electronics Applications.4. Filter Design.5. Power Converters-Implementation issues.6. Exercises and SimulationsPart II: Wind Energy Conversion1. Introduction to wind energy conversion2. Generators for Wind Energy Conversion3. Power Converters for Wind Energy Conversion4. Control Structures for Wind Energy Conversion5. Additional aspects6. Exercises and SimulationsPart III: Solar Energy Conversion1. Introduction to solar energy conversion2. Power Converters for Solar Energy Conversion3. Control Structures for Solar Energy Conversion4. Additional aspects5. Exercises and Simulations
Felix Rojas Lobos Assistant Professor at the University of Santiago, Chile.
Dr.-Ing. Felix Rojas Lobos was born in Santiago, Chile. He received the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering in 2009, from the Universidad de Santiago de Chile, Chile (awarded as the best graduated student). In 2016, he obtained his doctoral degree on power electronics from the Technical University of Munich, Germany. He also accomplished a 6 months internship at the Nottingham University, England. During his career, he has worked in research projects related to Active filter for railway Applications, Matrix Converters and Multilevel converters for distribution systems, with more than 10 publications in the last 5 years. Currently he is full time Assistant Professor at the University of Santiago, Chile. He is participating in several projects related to power converters for renewable energy systems and electromobility. His research interest includes multilevel converters for power network conditioning, solid state transformers and modulation strategies for power converters.
Edson Bim Department of Energy and Systems, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brasil.
Edson Bim � engenheiro eletricista, mestre e doutor pela Faculdade de Engenharia El�trica da Unicamp. Professor da Faculdade de Engenharia El�trica e Computa��o desde 1977, tem ministrado regularmente as disciplinas de gradua��o Princ�pios de Convers�o Eletromec�nica e M�quinas El�tricas e na p�s-gradua��o, Acionamento El�trico. Sua �rea de pesquisa � a de Controle de M�quinas El�tricas.
Javier Pereda Torres Pontificia Universidad Cat�lica de Chile, Chile.
Javier Pereda Torres works at the Pontificia Universidad Cat�lica de Chile in Chile.