This comprehensive study examines the US residential market for bricks, blocks, and pavers industry by product, application, market sector, housing type, and region. Historical data are provided for 2010, 2015, and 2020, with forecasts for the years 2025 and 2030 in current US dollars (including inflation) and units.
For the purposes of this study, brick units are defined as having dimensions of 3-5/8 inches by 2-1/4 inches by 7-5/8 inches. These are known in the industry as “standard brick units”, the production of clay bricks of other dimensions are converted into an equivalent volume of standard brick units.
Paver unit demand is also given in standard brick unit size, although it is important to note that pavers are generally laid with the largest face exposed, unlike bricks, which are typically laid with the long narrow face exposed (i.e., the height of the brick face is less than the depth of the brick in the wall). Similarly, block units are given in standard units measuring 7-5/8 inches by 7-5/8 inches by 15-5/8 inches, including interlocking wall block units.
Both standardized measurements are given in order of depth by height by length when the product is laid in a building wall in standard fashion (known as “stretcher” orientation when laying building brick). Furthermore, the dimensions given are actual dimensions. Nominal dimensions are slightly larger, generally to the next full inch, and include an allowance for mortar between each unit.
This category also includes glazed brick, hollow brick, and thin brick (brick veneer), which are not broken out in the study. For purposes of this report, refractory brick and glass blocks are excluded.
Pavers are made primarily from concrete although they are also made from alternative materials such as recycled plastics. Both types are included in this report.
For the purposes of this study, brick units are defined as having dimensions of 3-5/8 inches by 2-1/4 inches by 7-5/8 inches. These are known in the industry as “standard brick units”, the production of clay bricks of other dimensions are converted into an equivalent volume of standard brick units.
Paver unit demand is also given in standard brick unit size, although it is important to note that pavers are generally laid with the largest face exposed, unlike bricks, which are typically laid with the long narrow face exposed (i.e., the height of the brick face is less than the depth of the brick in the wall). Similarly, block units are given in standard units measuring 7-5/8 inches by 7-5/8 inches by 15-5/8 inches, including interlocking wall block units.
Both standardized measurements are given in order of depth by height by length when the product is laid in a building wall in standard fashion (known as “stretcher” orientation when laying building brick). Furthermore, the dimensions given are actual dimensions. Nominal dimensions are slightly larger, generally to the next full inch, and include an allowance for mortar between each unit.
For purposes of this report, blocks include two main product types:
- structural concrete block
- interlocking wall block, including segmental retaining wall (SRW) blocks
For bricks, a number of different types are evaluated, including:
- building brick
- clay paving brick
- facing brick
- chemical resistant brick
- fire brick
- specialty bricks including industrial floor brick, and sewer and manhole brick
This category also includes glazed brick, hollow brick, and thin brick (brick veneer), which are not broken out in the study. For purposes of this report, refractory brick and glass blocks are excluded.
The study includes both brick manufacturing processes of extrusion and molding:
- Extrusion creates a more uniform brick shape with cores through the center.
- Molding, a more costly process used primarily in high-end applications, creates bricks that have a more artisanal appearance and are often solid or have frogs (indentations) on non-visible faces.
Pavers are categorized by two types:
- standard design
- permeable design, allowing water to pass easily between the units and seep into the ground
Pavers are made primarily from concrete although they are also made from alternative materials such as recycled plastics. Both types are included in this report.
The market scope of the study consists of new and renovation sectors for the following housing types:
- conventional single-family houses
- multifamily structures (e.g., apartments)
- manufactured housing
Bricks, blocks, and pavers have a variety of applications, most related to construction. Leading applications include:
- structural (primarily foundations and structural walls)
- hardscaping (paving, walls, steps, fire pits, outdoor fireplaces, and other decorative landscaping)
- siding
- indoor fireplaces and chimneys
Residential demand for blocks, bricks, and pavers is also segmented by the following US geographic regions:
- Northeast
- Midwest
- South
- West
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary2. About This Report
- Report Details
- Market Scope & Product Description
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Overview
- Historical Market Trends
- Demand by Product
- Demand by Application
- Demand by Region
- Pricing Trends
- Sustainability
- Recycling & Recycled Content
- Energy Efficiency
- Green Building Design & LEED
4. Market Sectors & Housing Types
- Market Sectors
- Demand by Market Sector
- New Construction
- Renovation
- Housing Types
- Demand by Housing Type
- Single-Family
- Multifamily
- Manufactured Housing
5. Key Suppliers & Industry Composition
- Industry Composition
- Key Suppliers
- Mergers & Acquisitions
6. Appendix
- Scope
- Definitions
- Methodology
- Study-Specific Methodology
- Sources
- Related Studies & Reports
- Macroeconomic Assumptions
- Economic Environment
- Demographic Trends
- Residential Building Construction
- Residential Improvement & Repair
- New Housing Units
- Housing Stock
List of Tables
2. About This Report
Table 2-1 Annual Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Product, 2019-2021(million dollars)
3. Overview
Table 3-1 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand, 2010-2020 (million dollars)
Table 3-2 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Product, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 3-3 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 3-4 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Region, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
4. Market Sectors & Housing Types
Table 4-1 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-2 New Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-3 Residential Renovation Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-4 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Housing Type, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-5 Single-Family Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-6 Multifamily Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-7 Manufactured Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
5. Key Suppliers & Industry Composition
Table 5-1 Selected Mergers & Acquisitions
6. Appendix
Table 6-1 Study Scope: US Geographic Regions & Subregions
Table 6-2 Relevant Industry Codes
Table 6-3 Relevant HS Codes
Table 6-4 Macroeconomic Indicators, 2010-2030 (billion 2012 dollars)
Table 6-5 Population & Households, 2010-2030 (million persons)
Table 6-6 Residential Building Construction Expenditures, 2010-2030 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
Table 6-7 Residential Improvement & Repair Expenditures, 2010-2030 (billion 2012 dollars & billion dollars)
Table 6-8 New Housing Indicators, 2010-2030 (thousand units)
Table 6-9 Housing Stock by Type, 2010-2030 (million units)
List of Figures
1. Executive Summary
Figure 1-1 US Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Market
2. About This Report
Figure 2-1 Study Scope: Product Examples & Applications
Figure 2-2 Annual Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Value Demand Growth, 2018 -2024 (percent annual change)
3. Overview
Figure 3-1 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand, 2000-2020 (million dollars)
Figure 3-2 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Product, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 3-3 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 3-4 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Region, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 3-5 Pricing Growth for Selected Brick, Block, & Paver Products, 2020-2025(dollars per unit)
4. Market Sectors & Housing Types
Figure 4-1 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-2 New Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-3 Residential Renovation Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Application, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-4 Residential Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Housing Type, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-5 Single-Family Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-6 Multifamily Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-7 Manufactured Housing Brick, Block, & Paver Demand by Market Sector, 2010-2030 (million dollars)
6. Appendix
Figure 6-1 Housing Stock: Share by Year of Construction, 2020 (million units)
Companies Mentioned
- Berkshire Hataway
- Quikrete