Global demand for formulated herbicides is expected to rise 3.3% per year to $39.9 billion in 2025; over the same period, demand for herbicide active ingredients is projected to increase 2.2% per year to 4.0 million metric tons.
Gains will be primarily supported by rising demand from the dominant agricultural market due to:
The best opportunities for nonagricultural herbicides are expected in countries with expanding middle classes and increasing cultural emphasis on attractive outdoor spaces.
Decades of herbicide overapplication in nearly every major market have contributed to the proliferation of weed populations that are highly resistant to herbicides, including glyphosate, the dominant herbicide active ingredient. To combat these weeds, pesticide users will have to continue to increase the number of herbicide applications in a season, or turn to improved herbicide formulations. Many new herbicide formulations are more expensive, and include multiple active ingredients and improved adjuvant blends.
With demand for agricultural products for food, fuel, and other uses continuing to rise, and overall global cropland area projected to remain nearly flat, agricultural production per hectare is expected to continue to increase – necessitating increased investment in agricultural inputs such as herbicides. Additionally, efforts to make agriculture somewhat more environmentally friendly will continue to support demand for herbicides used in applications such as no-till agriculture, which utilizes herbicides for pre-planting weed control in order to reduce erosion.
Non-agricultural herbicide markets will remain highly diverse, with the US continuing to account for by far the largest share of these segments. After a decrease in professional lawn and garden residential services and an increase in do-it-yourself (DIY) gardening in the US in 2020 – when many consumers were spending more time at home – the US commercial and consumer markets are expected to shift slightly back to pre-pandemic trends. In other countries, rising personal incomes will support increased spending on gardening as a hobby. Additionally, increasingly urban populations and an emphasis on tourism in many developing countries will continue to support greater investment in the beautification of urban green spaces.
Gains will be primarily supported by rising demand from the dominant agricultural market due to:
- greater herbicide resistance in weed populations
- increasingly intensive agricultural practices in Central and South America and the Asia/Pacific region
- improved access to newer, improved herbicide formulations and herbicide use education in developing markets
The best opportunities for nonagricultural herbicides are expected in countries with expanding middle classes and increasing cultural emphasis on attractive outdoor spaces.
Herbicide Resistance in Weeds Will Promote Demand for New Herbicide Formulations
Decades of herbicide overapplication in nearly every major market have contributed to the proliferation of weed populations that are highly resistant to herbicides, including glyphosate, the dominant herbicide active ingredient. To combat these weeds, pesticide users will have to continue to increase the number of herbicide applications in a season, or turn to improved herbicide formulations. Many new herbicide formulations are more expensive, and include multiple active ingredients and improved adjuvant blends.
Evolving Agricultural Practices Will Support Shift in Herbicide Product Mix
With demand for agricultural products for food, fuel, and other uses continuing to rise, and overall global cropland area projected to remain nearly flat, agricultural production per hectare is expected to continue to increase – necessitating increased investment in agricultural inputs such as herbicides. Additionally, efforts to make agriculture somewhat more environmentally friendly will continue to support demand for herbicides used in applications such as no-till agriculture, which utilizes herbicides for pre-planting weed control in order to reduce erosion.
Lawn & Garden Applications Will Be Impacted by COVID-19 Pandemic & Shifting Cultures
Non-agricultural herbicide markets will remain highly diverse, with the US continuing to account for by far the largest share of these segments. After a decrease in professional lawn and garden residential services and an increase in do-it-yourself (DIY) gardening in the US in 2020 – when many consumers were spending more time at home – the US commercial and consumer markets are expected to shift slightly back to pre-pandemic trends. In other countries, rising personal incomes will support increased spending on gardening as a hobby. Additionally, increasingly urban populations and an emphasis on tourism in many developing countries will continue to support greater investment in the beautification of urban green spaces.
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary
2. About This Report
- Report Details
- Study Scope & Product Description
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic
3. Overview
- Historical Market Trends
- Demand by Region
- Leading Country Markets
- Fastest Growing Country Markets
- Pricing Trends
- Production by Region
- International Trade
- Market Share & Leading Producers
4. Markets
- Demand by Market
- Agriculture
- Commercial
- Consumer
5. Active Ingredients
- Demand by Active Ingredient
- Glyphosate
- Atrazine
- 2,4-D
- Other Herbicide Active Ingredients
6. North America
- North America: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- North America: Demand by Country
- North America: Demand by Market
- United States
- United States: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- United States: Demand by Market
- Canada
- Canada: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Canada: Demand by Market
- Mexico
- Mexico: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Mexico: Demand by Market
7. Central & South America
- Central & South America: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Central & South America: Demand by Country
- Central & South America: Demand by Market
- Brazil
- Brazil: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Brazil: Demand by Market
- Argentina
- Argentina: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Argentina: Demand by Market
- Colombia
- Colombia: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Colombia: Demand by Market
- Chile
- Chile: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Chile: Demand by Market
- Other Central & South America
- Other Central & South America: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Other Central & South America: Demand by Market
8. Western Europe
- Western Europe: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Western Europe: Demand by Country
- Western Europe: Demand by Market
- France
- France: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- France: Demand by Market
- Germany
- Germany: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Germany: Demand by Market
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- United Kingdom: Demand by Market
- Italy
- Italy: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Italy: Demand by Market
- Spain
- Spain: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Spain: Demand by Market
- Netherlands
- Netherlands: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Netherlands: Demand by Market
- Greece
- Greece: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Greece: Demand by Market
- Belgium
- Belgium: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Belgium: Demand by Market
- Portugal
- Portugal: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Portugal: Demand by Market
- Other Western Europe
- Other Western Europe: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Other Western Europe: Demand by Market
9. Eastern Europe
- Eastern Europe: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Eastern Europe: Demand by Country
- Eastern Europe: Demand by Market
- Russia
- Russia: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Russia: Demand by Market
- Ukraine
- Ukraine: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Ukraine: Demand by Market
- Poland
- Poland: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Poland: Demand by Market
- Romania
- Romania: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Romania: Demand by Market
- Other Eastern Europe
- Other Eastern Europe: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Other Eastern Europe: Demand by Market
10. Asia/Pacific
- Asia/Pacific: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Asia/Pacific: Demand by Country
- Asia/Pacific: Demand by Market
- China
- China: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- China: Demand by Market
- Australia
- Australia: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Australia: Demand by Market
- Japan
- Japan: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Japan: Demand by Market
- India
- India: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- India: Demand by Market
- Thailand
- Thailand: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Thailand: Demand by Market
- Indonesia
- Indonesia: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Indonesia: Demand by Market
- South Korea
- South Korea: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- South Korea: Demand by Market
- Other Asia/Pacific
- Other Asia/Pacific: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Other Asia/Pacific: Demand by Market
11. Africa/Mideast
- Africa/Mideast: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Africa/Mideast: Demand by Country
- Africa/Mideast: Demand by Market
- South Africa
- South Africa: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- South Africa: Demand by Market
- Turkey
- Turkey: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Turkey: Demand by Market
- Other Africa/Mideast
- Other Africa/Mideast: Herbicides Market Size & Historical Trends
- Other Africa/Mideast: Demand by Market
12. Appendix
- Report Details
- Definitions
- Study-Specific Methodology
- Sources
- Associations & Agencies
- Related Studies & Reports
- Country Lists by Region
- Macroeconomic Assumptions
- Global Economic Outlook
- Global Population
List of Tables
2. About This Report
Table 2-1 - Annual Global Herbicide Demand by Market, 2019 - 2021 (million dollars)
3. Overview
Table 3-1 - Global Herbicide & Activated Ingredient Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars & thousand metric tons)Table 3-2 - Global Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 3-3 - Global Herbicide Active Ingredient Pricing by Product, 2010 - 2030 (dollars per kilogram)
Table 3-4 - Global Herbicides Production by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 3-5 - Global Herbicides Net Exports by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
4. Markets
Table 4-1 - Global Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 4-2 - Global Agricultural Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-3 - Global Commercial Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 4-4 - Global Consumer Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
5. Active Ingredients
Table 5-1 - Global Herbicide Demand by Active Ingredient, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)Table 5-2 - Global Glyphosate Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)
Table 5-3 - Global Atrazine Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)
Table 5-4 - Global 2,4-D Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)
Table 5-5 - Global Demand for Other Herbicide Active Ingredients by Region, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)
6. North America
Table 6-1 - North America: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 6-2 - North America: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 6-3 - United States: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 6-4 - Canada: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million US dollars)
Table 6-5 - Mexico: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
7. Central & South America
Table 7-1 - Central & South America: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 7-2 - Central & South America: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-3 - Brazil: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-4 - Argentina: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-5 - Colombia: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-6 - Chile: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 7-7 - Other Central & South America: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
8. Western Europe
Table 8-1 - Western Europe: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 8-2 - Western Europe: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-3 - France: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-4 - Germany: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-5 - United Kingdom: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-6 - Italy: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-7 - Spain: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-8 - Netherlands: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-9 - Greece: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-10 - Belgium: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-11 - Portugal: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 8-12 - Other Western Europe: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
9. Eastern Europe
Table 9-1 - Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 9-2 - Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 9-3 - Russia: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 9-4 - Ukraine: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 9-5 - Poland: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 9-6 - Romania: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 9-7 - Other Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
10. Asia/Pacific
Table 10-1 - Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 10-2 - Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-3 - China: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-4 - Australia: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million US dollars)
Table 10-5 - Japan: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-6 - India: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-7 - Thailand: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-8 - Indonesia: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-9 - South Korea: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 10-10 - Other Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
11. Africa/Mideast
Table 11-1 - Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Table 11-2 - Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 11-3 - South Africa: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 11-4 - Turkey: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Table 11-5 - Other Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
12. Appendix
Table 12-1 - Relevant Industry CodesTable 12-2 - Relevant HS Codes
Table 12-3 - Relevant NACE Codes
Table 12-4 - Countries in North America
Table 12-5 - Countries in Central & South America
Table 12-6 - Countries in Western Europe
Table 12-7 - Countries in Eastern Europe
Table 12-8 - Countries in the Asia/Pacific Region
Table 12-9 - Countries in the Africa/Mideast Region
Table 12-10 - Global Gross Domestic Product by Region & Country, 2010 - 2030 (billion 2019 dollars)
Table 12-11 - Global Population by Region & Country, 2010 - 2030 (million persons)
List of Figures
1. Executive Summary
Figure 1-1 - Global Herbicides Market
2. About This Report
Figure 2-1 - Annual Global Herbicide Value Demand Growth by Market, 2019 - 2022 (% annual change)
3. Overview
Figure 3-1 - Global Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)Figure 3-2 - Global Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 3-3 - Herbicides: Leading Country Markets, 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 3-4 - Herbicides: Fastest Growing Country Markets, 2020 - 2025 (% CAGR)
Figure 3-5 - Global Herbicides Pricing by Product, 2010 - 2030 (dollars per kilogram)
Figure 3-6 - Global Herbicides Market Share by Company, 2020 (billion dollars)
4. Markets
Figure 4-1 - Global Herbicide Demand by Market, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)Figure 4-2 - Global Agricultural Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-3 - Global Commercial Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 4-4 - Global Consumer Herbicide Demand by Region, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
5. Active Ingredients
Figure 5-1 - Global Herbicide Demand by Active Ingredient, 2010 - 2030 (thousand metric tons)
6. North America
Figure 6-1 - North America: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 6-2 - North America: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 6-3 - North America: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 6-4 - United States: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 6-5 - United States: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 6-6 - Canada: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 6-7 - Canada: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million US dollars)
Figure 6-8 - Mexico: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 6-9 - Mexico: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
7. Central & South America
Figure 7-1 - Central & South America: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 7-2 - Central & South America: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 7-3 - Central & South America: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 7-4 - Brazil: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 7-5 - Brazil: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 7-6 - Argentina: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 7-7 - Argentina: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 7-8 - Colombia: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 7-9 - Colombia: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 7-10 - Chile: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 7-11 - Chile: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 7-12 - Other Central & South America: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 7-13 - Other Central & South America: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
8. Western Europe
Figure 8-1 - Western Europe: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 8-2 - Western Europe: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-3 - Western Europe: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 8-4 - France: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-5 - France: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-6 - Germany: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-7 - Germany: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-8 - United Kingdom: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-9 - United Kingdom: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-10 - Italy: Herbicide Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-11 - Italy: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-12 - Spain: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-13 - Spain: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-14 - Netherlands: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-15 - Netherlands: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-16 - Greece: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-17 - Greece: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-18 - Belgium: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-19 - Belgium: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-20 - Portugal: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-21 - Portugal: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 8-22 - Other Western Europe: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 8-23 - Other Western Europe: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
9. Eastern Europe
Figure 9-1 - Eastern Europe: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 9-2 - Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 9-3 - Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 9-4 - Russia: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 9-5 - Russia: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 9-6 - Ukraine: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 9-7 - Ukraine: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 9-8 - Poland: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 9-9 - Poland: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 9-10 - Romania: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 9-11 - Romania: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 9-12 - Other Eastern Europe: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 9-13 - Other Eastern Europe: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
10. Asia/Pacific
Figure 10-1 - Asia/Pacific: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 10-2 - Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-3 - Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 10-4 - China: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-5 - China: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-6 - Australia: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-7 - Australia: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million US dollars)
Figure 10-8 - Japan: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-9 - Japan: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-10 - India: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-11 - India: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-12 - Thailand: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-13 - Thailand: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-14 - Indonesia: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-15 - Indonesia: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-16 - South Korea: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-17 - South Korea: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 10-18 - Other Asia/Pacific: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 10-19 - Other Asia/Pacific: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
11. Africa/Mideast
Figure 11-1 - Africa/Mideast: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020Figure 11-2 - Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 11-3 - Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand by Country, 2010 - 2030 (million dollars)
Figure 11-4 - South Africa: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 11-5 - South Africa: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 11-6 - Turkey: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 11-7 - Turkey: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)
Figure 11-8 - Other Africa/Mideast: Herbicides Market Key Indicators, 2020
Figure 11-9 - Other Africa/Mideast: Herbicide Demand, 2010 - 2020 (million dollars)