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Consumer Lifestyles in Belgium - 2021 Report

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  • 70 Pages
  • September 2021
  • Region: Belgium
  • Euromonitor International
  • ID: 5569630
Consumer Lifestyles offers valuable insights into key consumer attitudes and current thinking, and their impact on purchasing and consumption habits; quantifying behaviours, preferences and motivations and aligning them with broader trends in Belgium

The Consumer Lifestyles in Belgium report analyses factors influencing national consumer expenditure. Consumer lifestyles reports include coverage of: population, urban development, home ownership, household profiles, labour, income, consumer and family expenditure, health, education, eating habits, drinking habits, shopping habits, personal grooming, clothing, leisure habits, savings and investments, media, communication, transport and travel and tourism. Use this report to understand the factors influencing a nation's lifestyle choices.

Data coverage: market sizes (historic and forecasts), company shares, brand shares and distribution data.

Why buy this report?

  • Get a detailed picture of the Consumer Overview market;
  • Pinpoint growth sectors and identify factors driving change;
  • Understand the competitive environment, the market’s major players and leading brands;
  • Use five-year forecasts to assess how the market is predicted to develop.

The publisher has over 40 years' experience of publishing market research reports, business reference books and online information systems. With offices in London, Chicago, Singapore, Shanghai, Dubai, Cape Town, Santiago, Sydney, Tokyo and Bangalore and a network of over 800 analysts worldwide, the publisher has a unique capability to develop reliable information resources to help drive informed strategic planning.

Table of Contents

  • Consumer landscape 2021
  • Life priorities
  • Belgians put high value on spending time with their partners
  • Time for work low on list of Belgians’ life priorities
  • All cohorts prioritise favourite activities, while Gen Z choose friends
  • Curated and tailored experiences, services and products highly valued
  • Baby Boomers particularly appreciate uniquely tailored products
  • New products and services selected over preference for branded goods
  • Younger generations more likely to want to engage actively with brands
  • Home life
  • Belgians are frequently connecting with friends/family online
  • Gen Z are big video gamers and hobbyists, along with Baby Boomers
  • More women than men want outside space and proximity to transport
  • After safe location, Baby Boomers focus on energy efficiency
  • Eating habits
  • Home cooking is favoured over ordering food from foodservice outlets
  • All generations prefer home cooked; fewer Boomers use ready meals
  • Superior taste more important than price for Belgian consumers
  • Gen Z shows strongest inclination towards a flexitarian diet
  • Nearly half of respondents eat their meals at the same time each day
Younger generations have more varied meal times, especially Gen Z
  • Working life
  • Job security and earning a high salary appeals equally to Belgians
Home working appeals more to Millennials than it does to Gen Z
High salaries the most important work-related feature for Gen Z
  • Expectations to work from home in future lower than global average
  • Gen Z prioritise flexible start and finish times over working from home
  • Sustainable living
  • Climate change is a key concern for nearly 60% of respondents
  • Younger generations have strong feelings about climate change
  • Reducing food waste is top of the agenda for Belgian consumers
  • Gen Z focus on reducing carbon emissions; Boomers on food waste
  • Purpose-driven brands/companies do not resonate strongly with Belgians
  • Energy-efficient products used more by older generations
  • Lower % of Belgians buy from brands that are aligned with their values
  • Younger cohorts will boycott brands that do not share their beliefs
  • Leisure habits
  • Socialising online has been a lifeline, but day trips are still popular
  • All generations have high levels of interaction with friends online
  • Leisure shopping not as popular as meeting up with friends
  • All cohorts frequently enjoy meeting up with friends to socialise
  • Gen Z and Millennials take the most domestic and cross-border trips
  • Shopping is low on the list of important features for Belgian travellers
  • All generations want to find a way to relax when they go on vacation
  • Health and wellness
  • More Belgian women take vitamins/supplements every day than men
  • Group fitness classes not as popular as cycling as a form of exercise
Cycling more appealing than running as a regular exercise to Gen Z
  • Use of sleep aids much lower than global average
  • Millennials are the most active users of stress-reduction techniques
  • Shopping habits
  • Belgian consumers seek out local products and services
  • Consumers are looking for high-quality products and buying less
  • Consumers far less likely to rely on reviews on social media networks
  • Gen X are equally influenced by friends/family and independent reviews
  • Convenience is the biggest motivation for subscription services
  • Consumers more motivated to shop in stores to see and try goods first
  • Younger cohorts far less motivated to shop in stores to see and try first
  • Consumers motivated to shop online by free delivery and best prices
Older generations more motivated by best price than Gen Z
  • Technology
  • Belgians not as comfortable sharing their data or communicating online
  • Gen Z more focused on cultivating their personal brand online
  • Households have slower adoption of smart appliances/virtual assistants
  • Belgians have not adopted wearables at same level as global consumers
  • Belgians frequently use social networks, but spend less time video gaming
  • High percentage of Gen X and Baby Boomers spend time browsing online