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Perovskite Ceramics. Recent Advances and Emerging Applications. Elsevier Series in Advanced Ceramic Materials

  • Book

  • November 2022
  • Elsevier Science and Technology
  • ID: 5576581

Perovskite-based ceramics are a significant class of innovative materials with fascinating physical properties, which are now receiving intensive research attention in condensed matter physics and in the area of practical device applications. Perovskite Ceramics provides a state-of-the-art review on the latest advances in perovskite-based ceramic materials, as well as the development of devices from these materials for different applications.

Perovskite Ceramics: Recent Advances and Emerging Applications is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses on the basics of perovskite-based ceramic materials and includes chapters on the fundamentals, synthesis and processing, characterization, and properties of these materials. Chapters are also included on bulk and thin materials, phase transitions, polaronic effects and the compensation and screening of ferroelectricity. This section will allow the reader to familiarize themselves with the standard traditional approach, but it will also introduce new concepts that are fast evolving in this field. The second part presents an extensive review of up-to-date research on new and innovative advances in perovskite-based ceramic materials. Chapters cover multiferroic applications, lead-free perovskites, energy storage applications, perovskite-based memories, light manipulation and spectral modifications, and solar cells and fuel cells. All these fields of research are rapidly evolving, so the book acts a platform to showcase latest results on optical strategies and materials for light manipulation, and spectral up- and down-conversion too (mainly rare earth doped oxides and complexes).

The book will be an essential reference resource for academic and industrial researchers working in materials research and development particularly in functional and oxide ceramics and perovskites.

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Table of Contents

Part 1: Advanced research

1 Introduction to perovskites
2 Synthesis methods of perovskite ceramics
3 Antiferrodistortive phase transition in doped strontium titanate ceramics: A role of the perovskite lattice vacancies
4 Polaronic effects in perovskite oxides
5 Compensation and screening of ferroelectricity in perovskite oxides
6 Crystal structures of copper oxide-based perovskite compounds

Part 2: Oxide and halide perovskites: Functional and
advanced applications

7 Perovskite-structured ceramics in solid oxide fuel cell application
8 Perovskite membranes for oxygen separation
9 Perovskite lead-free dielectric ceramics: Highly promising materials for energy storage applications
10 Perovskite-like structure ceramic materials and their design for electrical applications
11 Multiferroic perovskite ceramics: Properties and applications
12 Functional double perovskites from bulk to thin-film heterostructures: The example of La2NiMnO6
13 Perovskite-based memories
14 Perovskite-based light-emitting diodes
15 Light storage perovskites: Synthesis, mechanisms, and applications
16 Halide-based perovskites in photonics: From photocatalysts to highly efficient optoelectronic devices


Jose Luis Clabel Huaman Researcher and Professor, Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos - University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Dr. Jose Luis Clabel Huaman is presently, working as a researcher and professor at the Institute of Physics of S�o Carlos - University of S�o Paulo, Brazil. He received his Ph.D. in Physics from the Federal University of S�o Carlos, in 2015. He has remained a post-doctoral fellow at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation, Institute of Physics of S�o Carlos - University of S�o Paulo and the Department of Physics - Vi�osa Federal University. His main research experience is in Condensed-Matter Physics and Materials Science. His interdisciplinary research interests include investigating multiferroic composites, and ferro-/piezoelectric and luminescent materials for structural and functional applications. He has monitored various aspects and features of ceramics and thin films with perovskite structures, mainly to understand their structural and opto-electronic behavior and their applications. His research works involve the use of a broad-spectrum of material characterization techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman and Infrared Spectroscopies, thermal analysis, dielectric/magnetic measurement, luminescence spectroscopy, scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy. He has published more than 15 research articles in high impact international journals. Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera Principal professor, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Peru
General Editor, Campus Journal, University of San Mart�n de Porres.. Dr. Victor Anthony Garcia Rivera achieved his bachelor's degree in physics from the Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal, Peru, in 2002. He then went on to obtain his master's degree in physics from the Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil in 2005 and PhD degree in physics from the Universidade Federal de S�o Carlos, Brazil, in 2009. He previously worked at the Institute of Physics of Sao Carlos (USP), Brazil for almost six years and then for one year as a researcher at the Center for Optics, Photonics and Lasers at Laval University, in Quebec, Canada. He has also been a program manager of Basic Science Research at CONCYTEC - Peru (Consejo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnolog�a e Innovaci�n Tecnologica, in Spanish). Currently, he is a principal professor at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Peru. He is also the General Editor of the Campus Journal at the University of San Mart�n de Porres. He is an experimentalist whose research interests include: (i) photonics (fiber and integrated optics, glass materials); (ii) plasmonics (nanowaveguide and plasmon-photon interaction) and (iii) perovskite ceramics (rare-earth substitution and optical properties). He has published over 60 research papers has been a guest editor and author of several book chapters.